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We walk downstairs and look happy at the two new female faces that also joined the dinner table. I sit down next to Namjoon and smile innocently at the two new faces. '(Y/N), Saki, these are Iris and Rachel.' I nod. 'I already know Rachel. She picked your present that I gave you.' Rachel nods and smiles sweetly. 'It's also nice to meet you Iris.' Iris nods and smiles. Suddenly it accures to me that Jungkook said to me girlfriend. 'So you and Rachel are already a thing? I told you that he would like you.' Rachel's cheeks begin to colour pink.

I smile and eat some of my food. Namjoon's eyes glued on me and I know exactly why. 'Why are you wearing that (Y/N)? Are you going out tonight?' I smirk and nod. 'Yeah, Saki and Jay will come with me. Iris and Rachel can join if they want to. I got some extra clothes if you two want.' Yoongi chuckles and shakes his head because he knows what I am doing. 'You're not going out in that outfit.' I raise my eyebrow and look confused at dad. 'Why not? I already have a boyfriend so I won't be having a one night stand with a stranger.'

My dad looks irritated at me. 'I don't want my daughter to be walking around looking like...' I raise my eyebrow. 'Looking like a slut. I know, blah blah. I always look like a slut according to you so I don't actually care.' Everyone at the table looks surprised at me. 'I changed my mind. I am already going, I've eaten enough so it will take me a little longer to get good drunk.' I walk away but am stopped at the doorpost by Namjoon. 'What was that all about?'

I sigh and look down. Suddenly, I begin to chuckle when I see his manly part. It's so fucking hard. 'Nothing. You got to lose that before I come back.' Namjoon looks down and then begins to blush. 'You can't leave.' I raise my eyebrow. 'If you're going to tell me-.' Namjoon begins to kiss me and grabs my ass to pull me closer to him. I put my arms around Namjoon's neck and deepen the kiss. 'You just look so hot... Boys will want you the way I want you.' I smirk and shake my head.

'I don't care. You're the only one for me.' Namjoon nods and kisses me now in my neck. 'I just don't like people eyefucking my girlfriend.' I smile and even moan a little. 'They... Won't...' Namjoon smirks and looks me in my eyes again. 'Fine. I will lose my boner, and you will be back over 2 hours.' I nod and smile. 'Of course.' Namjoon and I let each other go. I grab my jacket and walk away.

{2 hours and 15 minutes later}

I walk back home through an alley way. At the bar, I kicked a few persons because they tried to use me.

I giggle to myself when I fall through my knees. Getting drunk is the only way where I finally feel really free. 'Heey hottie. Need to get home?' I shake my head and stand up. The guy smirks when he sees that I am really drunk. 'No she is coming with me.' I raise my eyebrow and turn around. 'Jinnieeeee!' Jin sighs and puts his arm around me. 'I am bringing her home so you can go now.' The guy chuckles and looks challenging to Jin. 'Let's ask what she wants.' I giggle and almost fall again.

'No way. She is too drunk to think clear.' Jin turns around and walks away with me still in his embrace. 'Why did you get so drunk (Y/N)?' I chuckle and put both of my arms around Jin. 'Don't complain. I kicked some dudes.' I begin to laugh really hard. Jin sighs and begins to walk faster. 'Namjoon is upstairs. Get some rest.' I nod and go on hands and knees upstairs. I walk inside Namjoon's room and directly lock his door. 'Ohh (Y/N).' I raise my eyebrow and smirk then. 'Would you like to help me more with that?'

Namjoon turns around shocked but directly sighs when he sees me. 'You're drunk.' I sigh and put out my clothes. Namjoon almost gets immediately a new boner. 'I want to do something with your cock.' Namjoon sighs. I walk to him and kneel down. 'Please let me taste it.' Before Namjoon can answer, I begin to lick and suck.

{Next day}

'(Y/N), wake up.' My eyes open but directly shut when I see the extreme white lights. 'Please let me die here. My head hurts really badly.' Namjoon chuckles and goes with his hand through my hair.

'And whose fault is that?' I look irritated at Namjoon. 'Yours.' Namjoon raises his eyebrow. 'You let me go to that damn club.' Namjoon chuckles and kisses me. 'I love you so much (Y/N), even when you have a hangover.' I groan in pain of my head and turn away from Namjoon. 'Jin brought an aspirin and some water for you.' I nod and sit up. 'Take it easy (Y/N).' I nod and take the water and aspirin in one go. 'Ow good. You two are up.' I groan when more light comes into the room from the hallway.

'Don't groan, it's your own fault. You're lucky that I brought you home.' Namjoon goes with his hand through his hair and sits up. 'You brought her home?' Jin nods and sighs. 'I was going to ask if you wanted to pick her up but you were too busy moaning her name. I legit got scared for a moment so decided to pick her up by myself.' Namjoon looks down and doesn't say a word. He knows that the oldest member is right about moaning her name all those 2 hours. I raise my eyebrow and look over at Namjoon. 'You moaned my name?'

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