How early is it?

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We have an evening where we laugh a lot and answer a lot of ARMY's questions. The room falls silent when an ARMY asks a question that we never dared to think about. 'Are Namjoon and (Y/N) together? And Hobi and Saki? And what about Tae and Jay?' They already asks about Tae and Jay. Saki hums and then swallows. 'Hobi and I have been spending a lot of time with each other, mainly because of school.' Hobi nods and puts his arms around Saki. 'And yes, we like each other a lot.' Hobi and Saki kiss each other.

My eyes open wide. 'So I was right when I came into your-.' Hobi puts his hand for my mouth. Namjoon sighs and looks at me. 'Our relation is complicated. But maybe it will grow out of that state.' Namjoon smiles and grabs my hand. 'Then I am going to kill Namjoon, if he dares to touch or hurt my sister.' Namjoon nods. I lay my head on Namjoon's shoulder and take a deep breath. 'So next question.' Namjoon and I are after some time both on the phone and show each other all kinds of things. 'Look at this.'

Namjoon shows a photo of a couple on Instagram with the caption; He is the best❤️🥰. I smile and shake my head. 'No he isn't. You are.' Namjoon smiles and get his cute dimples. While everyone is really busy, doing... Something. I haven't really been paying attention. I make a selfie with Namjoon and kiss him on his left cheek. 'You're sure that I can post this.' I nod and smile. 'I want to make the caption.' Namjoon hands me his phone. Dimples is the best of all💜🥰. I smile and post it. There is now no going back anymore.

I gasp and stretch myself. 'Lay down (Y/N).' I raise my eyebrow and look confused at Namjoon. 'What?' Namjoon smiles and sits with his legs down. 'Lay down. You're tired and should rest. It's not looking like the livestream will end any time soon. They having way too much fun.' I nod and giggle when I see Yoongi groan because Jimin and Jungkook wants to do something with him. 'Fine. Then wake me if you're going to bed.' Namjoon nods. I lay down with my head on his leg and close my eyes. No nightmare now. I am with a lot of people around me.

That would be so embarrassing if someone saw me having a nightmare.


'Wake up sleeping beauty.' I slowly open my eyes and realise that I am laying in a bed. 'What the-?' Namjoon smiles and digs his head in the crook of my neck. 'It's already morning.' I nod and go with my hand through Namjoon's hair. 'Already? You should've woke me up when you were going to bed.' Namjoon nods and the chuckles. 'You didn't wake up even after calling you a lot. Suga said that I should take you to bed.'

I nod and then raise my eyebrow. 'Yoongi said that you should take me to bed?' Namjoon nods and smiles. 'My brother? That Yoongi?' Namjoon nods and places a kiss on my forehead. 'Yeah. He probably didn't want me to also sleep with you in that bed.' I nod and smile. I yawn and crawl closer against to Namjoon. 'I will miss this when we get back to the dorms.' Namjoon nods and gives me a kiss in my hair. 'We will be okay. As long as you also stay at the dorms, that is.' I nod and jump up when someone opens the door.

'Get out of bed lovebirds! We have a music video to film!' I growl and fall back on the bed. 'I will put on my bikini.' I roll off the bed and walk to the bathroom. I slam the door and change my clothes. 'Happy now?' Hobi nods and smiles. Now that I am more awake, I see that Hobi has Saki over his shoulder. She is still sleeping. 'How early is it?' Namjoon shows me his phone and I sigh deeply. '5 am! Are you kidding me?!' Namjoon pulls me in a hug. 'You and Saki can probably sleep the first few hours on set.'

I nod and rub my eyes. 'I will carry you there.' Before I can say something, Namjoon lifts me up. This is actually not that bad. I lay my head against Namjoon's chest. We walk to the set and see that Taehyung is carrying Jay. I smile while Tae carefully puts Jay down. They're so in love already. Namjoon lays me down on a sunbed and sits next to my legs. 'There is everyone!' I put Yoongi's towel around me to keep me warm. Yoongi walks to me and smiles.

'Are you cold?' I nod and put his towel tighter around me. 'Yeah. You never told me that you need to be up so early.' One of the crew members walk to me with Toya in their arms. 'She wanted to see you two. She wouldn't stop crying.' I nod and take Toya from the crew member. 'Thank you.' I play with Toya and soon she smiles again. 'I am so sorry that I had to bring her here boss, but she wouldn't stop crying.' I look confused at the crew member who is now talking to her boss.

I lift Toya up and stand also up myself. I walk to the crew member and smile. 'Thank you for bringing Toya to me. I was going to visit her anyway. How are the other babies doing?' The crew member smiles weakly at me. 'They are doing fine, you don't have to worry about them.' I shake my head and put Toya on the ground. 'I will always worry about them. Just like I always worry about those 7 idiots, Saki and Jay. Do you have her swimming suit anywhere?' The crew member nods and walks inside. Her boss looks annoyed at me. 'She is doing her best. Give her some slack. She is doing a better job than you.'

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