My little cousin

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I swallow and stare at my notepad. No one in the class will choose me and the boys are too busy kicking off all the fan girls. I sigh but still stare. Namjoon and Hobi both raise their hands. 'I would like to partner up with (Y/N). And I would like to partner up with Saki.' We both look surprised at the boys' sentences. The teacher nods and writes down our names. Namjoon sits down again next to me and Hobi sits down again next to Saki. Oh no! Now she is probably going to be bullied too.

At the end of the lesson we get the robot baby and the rest of the day to be with the baby. I sigh and grab the baby from the teacher. It really looks like a real baby. 'You and Namjoon got a girl.' I nod and walk to Namjoon. 'Wow, it somehow has our eye colours.' Now that I look at it, one eye is (Y/E) and one is dark brown. This looks somehow creepy. The eyes just don't match up with each other. 'Do we need to call Jin to pick us up?' Namjoon nods and grabs his phone.

The baby suddenly begins to cry so I try to calm it down. 'You must be hungry after not eating for such a long time.' We also got a bag with the robot that has all the baby things inside. 'Jin will be here soon.' I nod and sit down at my desk. I put the baby on one leg and prepare the bottle that our baby is going to eat. Namjoon sits down next to me and puts a napkin on his shoulder. 'When she is done eating, you can give her to me.' I nod.

She drinks the whole bottle. I carefully give her to Namjoon while I am packing the bag again. Saki walks to me with her baby in her hands. 'Can I drive home with you guys? So J-Hope and I can work on the project.' I nod and smile. 'Of course. But you can stay as long as you want at our home.' Saki smiles and gives me a hug. 'Jin just texted me that he is outside of the gate.' I nod and take the baby over from Namjoon and put my jacket around her. 'J-Hope, you're coming too?'

J-Hope nods and walks with the large bag to us. 'Let me carry the large bag, than you can carry our child.' I smile and shake my head. He is so sweet and such a dork sometimes. 'Well let's go.' Saki and I walk behind as J-Hope and Namjoon walk in front of us. 'Use your jacket to warm up your child outside. It will give you extra plus points.' Saki nods and puts her jacket the same way around her baby I did. 'So what's the name of your baby?' Saki lifts her shoulders. 'I really don't know yet.'

Suddenly I get an idea. 'Call it Sobi.' Saki raises her eyebrow and looks really confused at me. 'It's a mix of Saki and Hobi.' Saki smiles and nods. She runs a little bit forward and says it to Hobi. Jin walks to us and raises one eyebrow. 'School project. You better don't say a thing.' Jin nods and opens the door for me. I sit in the front of the car next to Jin. 'So you four got two babies?' I sigh and look at my baby. 'She's asleep Namjoon.' Namjoon nods. Jin begins with driving away.

When we get home, I directly walk upstairs. 'Food will be served soon for you guys!' I ignore Jin and walk further. When I walk past Yoongi's studio, I hear him rapping. One single tear escapes my eye. I ignore it and walk to Namjoon's room. Saki will probably stay at the guest room so at night I will sleep on the couch. 'Okay this is driving me crazy. You better just talk to your big brother before everyone is going to kill each other!' I raise my eyebrow. My baby begins to cry a lot. 'Ssshhh... It's just your aunt.' Saki sighs and sits down next to me. 'I am sorry that I screamed. This fight between you and your brother is killing them.' I know that's true but I am most of the time the first one to say that I am sorry. 'I will look what I can do. But that doesn't mean that I am going to end this fight.' Saki nods and gives me a hug. 'So how is your girl?' I raise my eyebrow. 'Crying, because of you.' Saki nods and swallows. 'Sorry... Maybe she will calm down when you sing for her.'

I sigh and shake my head. 'I am not going to sing for her. I can't even sing.' My baby begins to cry even harder than before. I sigh and give in. 'Fine, I will sing for you but this won't be a normal thing from now on.' I begin to hum and eventually I begin to sing. (Song stands above) Saki looks happy at me. 'No wonder that everyone says that you're talented.' I shake my head and lay the baby slowly on Namjoon's bed. 'She is asleep.' I nod and let myself fall on Namjoon's bed. 'Where are the boys?'

Saki smiles. 'Downstairs. Would you like for me to get Namjoon?' I shake my head and gasp. 'I will join you guys soon downstairs but my baby is currently sleeping.' Saki nods and walks out of the room. '(Y/N)...' I roll my eyes and stare at the robot baby. 'You need to be quiet Yoon.' Yoongi nods and walks slowly in. 'Our aunt asked if we could babysit her newborn. Without me answering first, she said that she would be here in 5 minutes.' I shoot up. 'Wait what? We can't have another baby here. There are already 2 robot babies in this house.'

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