New girlfriend

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After some time talking to all of the members and Jay, Saki walks down with Sobi in her arms who just woke up. She suddenly becomes hyper when she sees me. 'Aun.' I smile and take her over from Saki. Sobi gives me a tight hug around my neck and I let her for this once. She clearly missed me a lot. 'So Aun means Aunt, I assume?' Saki nods and looks happy at me. I play a lot with Sobi until Jungkook suddenly stands up and walks away. I sigh and give Sobi to Hobi.

'Before you go upstairs (Y/N), my new girlfriend is coming over tonight.' I nod and smile to Jimin. 'Sounds great. Can't wait to meet her.' Saki looks a little bit with a worried face at me. I raise my eyebrow and walk upstairs. I walk in Jungkook's room without any warning and see him playing Overwatch. 'Is it okay if I join in?' Jungkook looks at me and almost directly looks back at the screen. I sigh and sit down next to him. 'I promise that I will be better than Tae.' I grab a console and start playing the video game.

When we finally win, Jungkook and I begin to cheer loudly. Suddenly, Jungkook looks away. 'You need to tell me what's wrong Kook. I thought that we made up the fight back on the phone.' Jungkook nods and looks at me with really sad eyes. I don't ask further and pull him in a hug. 'I just don't want anyone to leave. You first left and Namjoon will be the next one. He will leave with you leaving BTS behind.' I raise my eyebrow and cup Jungkook's cheeks. 'Who said that to you?' Jungkook lifts his shoulders. 'One of the staff.'

I nod and sigh. 'Was it the boy that walked with his arm around my shoulder back to all of you?' Jungkook nods slowly. 'Son of a bitch!' I put a blanket around Jungkook and give him a kiss on his forehead. 'I will never leave. Neither will Namjoon. If Namjoon ever thinks that he needs to leave BTS for me, than I will kick him back.' Jungkook smiles again and nods. 'I will ask Jin to make you something to drink...... Or do you want banana milk?' Jungkook looks up happy like a little happy bunny. 'I will get you some.'

I sigh when I stand up. 'Even if that means that I have to go grocery shopping.' Jungkook happily jumps up and hugs me from behind. 'You're the best Noona in the world.' I smile and nod. 'Sure buddy.' Jungkook slowly lets me go and sits down back looking at his game. Yeez children these days. I walk downstairs and immediately walk to the kitchen. 'Jin, could you drive me to the grocery store?' Jin raises his eyebrow but then smiles when he sees my facial expression. 'You promised it to Jungkook, didn't you?' I nod and sigh deeply.

'I am sorry.' Jin smiles and goes with his hand through my hair. 'It's okay baby girl. I will get the drink while you meet Jimin's new girlfriend.' I nod and give Jin a hug. 'Thank you so much Jin!' Jin smiles and walks away. I walk to the living room and see everyone sitting on the couch in front of the television. I stop in my tracks when I hear a familiar irritating giggle. 'Why is she here?' Everyone becomes quiet. Jimin, Saki and Laura stand up. Saki looks really worried at me while Jimin looks really happy.

Saki walks to me and whispers something in my ear. 'I didn't know this either. When she walked in, I first didn't believe that she really is his girlfriend.' I nod and sigh. 'I will be back upstairs. Bye...' I turn to Saki one last time before I walk away. 'Where's Jay?' Saki smiles. 'She is with Tae going to look how the baby is and today they will find out the gender.' I nod and smile weakly. 'I will be upstairs working on school and my writing.' Saki nods and gives me one last hug.

I walk to Toya's room just to find it totally empty. 'Hopefully will Saki take good care of Toya and doesn't she hand her to Laura.' Suddenly, a pair of hands grab my shoulders. I stand totally frozen by the sudden action. 'Easy, it's just me.' I nod and look to the ground, still not turning around to Namjoon. 'Saki told me that I needed to talk to you.' Namjoon stands in front of my and lifts my chin so he can look me in my face. 'I am sorry, but I am not in mood to talk about it.' Namjoon nods and pulls me in a hug.

'It's okay, maybe we should go to bed. Tomorrow, it's going to be a special day.' I raise my eyebrow and let it slide for once. 'Is Jimin's new girlfriend also going to be here?' Namjoon lifts his shoulders. 'We could also join the rest and watch the movie they're watching.' I nod and smile. 'As long as I can sit next to you or Saki and don't have to talk to Jimin's new girlfriend, then I will be fine.' Namjoon nods and walks together with me downstairs. I swallow when I see Laura holding Toya.

'Yoongi, could you bring Toya to her bed?' Laura stands up and smiles fakely to me. 'I can do it.' I nod and grab Toya away from Laura. 'I know but I didn't ask it to you, did I?' She looks offended at me. Yoongi walks to me and gets Toya. 'Text me the story.' I nod and sigh. Yoongi walks away with Toya in his arms. Namjoon and I sit as far away from Laura as possible. 'We then have to change the movie. She is too innocent for this movie.' I look at the television and see that there would be sex in the movie.

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