Laying them in bed

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When we finally all sit at the dining table, I prepare the food for the babies. Saki does the same but only she has a lot of sleep still in her eyes. 'So how far did you guys come with your homework?' Hobi and Saki raise their eyebrows. Then Saki looks at me and I nod. Weirdly enough, she understands that I have said that to them. 'Pretty far but we still have a lot to do.' I almost choke on my food and throw my fork on the table. Namjoon tries to help me to choke less. 'Are you okay?'

I nod and smile, finally not choking anymore. 'I am fine. Just imagined something.' Saki rolls her eyes and sighs deeply. 'Wait, you know what my sister means with that?' Saki nods and gets a little blush on her cheeks. 'Of course. We are best friends. I even know when she talks about a certain person, who she means. How lovely he is and how gorgeous and everything like that when she says it.' Yoongi raises his eyebrow and puts his food away. 'Is that person also at this table?' Saki looks panicking at me. I shake my head.

'Please don't tell them that. It's our secret remember?' Saki nods and pretends to zip her mouth. 'Only Hobi might know later.' I look irritated at Saki. 'What? I talk a lot to myself when I am making homework.' I sigh and roll my eyes. Toya and Yunhee are eating/playing. I sigh and grab Yunhee's plate. 'I will feed you because otherwise, I have to clean too much.' I wipe Yunhee's face clean with a wet napkin. I put a little bit of food on a spoon and feed it to Yunhee. After the meal she smiles happy.

I smile and wipe the rest of her mouth clean. 'Namjoon, would you like to change Yunhee's diaper? I smell that she left a bomb in her diaper.' Namjoon nods and lifts her out of the chair. 'Saki and you did a really good job with getting stuff for all the babies.' I nod and sigh. 'That was so hard.' Jin suddenly smiles bright. 'We can even keep it after the babies are gone. Then if (Y/N) gets pregnant, we can use it for her baby.' Yoongi and I both choke on our food. Why Jin? Why did you say that?

'And with who do you think that she is going to get a child?' Jin smiles even more and puts his drink down. 'Probably with Namjoon. They're already so much around each other.' Namjoon walks into the room and looks questionable at everyone as they stare the same way back at him. 'Yoongi, are you going to take Toya to bed? I will bring Yunhee to bed.' Yoongi nods and quickly stands up with Toya in his arms. I take over Yunhee and sigh. 'Good luck talking to them. They're all insane.' Namjoon nods and looks confused when I leave the room.

I walk to Namjoon's room where the boys put the bed for Yunhee. Toya's bed is in Jin's room because Yoongi needs his sleep. 'You feeling okay Oppa?' Yoongi nods and smiles weakly. 'It's just that you're 18... I don't want to think of you with children already.' I nod and sigh. 'I get that.' Yoongi is while he is talking to me, changing Toya into her pyjama. Only Saki got a boy so most of the clothes that we bought are for girls. 'But what if I get pregnant because of one of your band members?'

Yoongi stops with what he is doing. 'Don't you worry. I am not pregnant but... I was just wondering if you would hate me if I did.' Yoongi shakes his head to my surprise. 'I wouldn't hate you if you got pregnant from one of the band members. I will be pissed off at first at the one that got you pregnant, but I would have to live with it.' I nod and sigh. 'And don't you worry. I never had sex before so I am probably so terrible at it that the person wants to leave me.'

Yoongi smiles and shakes his head. He lifts Toya up and gives her a kiss on her forehead. 'Goodnight little one.' He turns to me when Toya lays in her bed. 'If he leaves you for that reason, I am going to kill him!' I nod and smile. Yoongi suddenly has his eyes open wide. 'So you never even had sex with your ex?' I shake my head and look away. 'He wanted to but I didn't want that. Then he started even more punching and everything.' Yoongi nods and pulls me in a hug. 'Not so tight Oppa. Yunhee is still in my arms.'

Yoongi nods and lets me go. Yunhee laughs a lot and begins to play with my (Y/L), (Y/HC) hair. 'She is fine. Yunhee got lucky that you're her mother and Namjoon her father.' I nod and smile. 'I should put her in bed as well.' Yoongi nods and walks downstairs when I walk into Namjoon's room. 'You should sleep fast Yun. I have a babyphone so I can always here you when you need me or daddy.' Yunhee smiles and makes cute baby sounds. 'You're hella adorable.' I put Yunhee in her pyjama and take a selfie with her.

When I have Yunhee in her bed, I send the picture to Namjoon. I put on the babyphone and take the piece that I need to have downstairs. 'Goodnight sweet Yunhee.' I smile and walk downstairs. 'Ow there is (Y/N)! (Y/N), you need to come. The teacher is video chatting us.' I nod and walk to the trio that's sitting in front of the laptop of Saki. 'Where is your robot baby?' I smile and show her on the babyphone. 'Safe and asleep.' The teacher looks satisfied at me.

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