Over the edge

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After we had a really awkward conversation with the cashier, we walk outside just to be greeted by paparazzi. I roll my eyes and pull the boys with me away. 'I am sorry Yoon.' Yoongi raises his eyebrow and gives me his sunglasses. 'Why are you sorry? You didn't call those guys to come spy on what we're doing.' I nod and sigh. I put on the sunglasses and walk hand in hand with Yoongi. 'They will go away after some time.' I nod and look at my new phone with the new case. 'I need to buy something for you three.'

Jin, Hobi and Yoongi all shake their head. 'Don't be so silly. I will buy it now. Stay here or find a food-stand so I know where you guys are.' Jin looks happy up when I mentioned food. I walk into a store and buy as quickly as I can the stuff I want to give to Hobi, Jin and Yoongi. 'Heey there is the slut that is together with Namjoon.' I make my hand to a fist and ignore them. 'I heard a rumour that they're going to break up because he kissed another girl.'

I take a few deep breaths. 'He is such a cheater. But you know, she is a slut so it matches up. I hope that he cheats more on her by the time being.' I turn around and grab the collar of the shirt that belongs to the boy that said the last sentence. 'Namjoon isn't a cheater! You better shut your fucking mouth before I make sure that you always will!' Two arms get around me and pull me back while Hobi makes sure that I let him go. 'Easy baby girl.' I shake my head and chuckle.

'Why would I? It's not like he didn't call me and Namjoon names.' Jin lets me go and walks to the boys. 'What did you call her?' The boy looks with a big smirk on his face at Jin. I grab Jin's arm and pull him away. 'Don't worry about it. I am used to that name.' Jin looks even more angry now than before. 'Please let's just go home.' Jin nods. Yoongi looks in some way proud of me. While we walk away, I hear the boys say another thing. 'There goes the whore again with her secret fuckers.'

I run to the boy and give him one good punch right in his face. 'What the heck?' I smile and look at the others. 'You can call me whatever you want, but those boys are nothing more than gods. At least they will get more women than you would.' The boy begins to hit me in my face. I smirk and begin to fight now with him as well. Suddenly a few cops show up and hold us all apart. 'She began!' I roll my eyes. Yoongi, Hobi and Jin run to me. 'We will take her home sir.' The police officer shakes his head.

'We can't do that Mister.' Jin sighs and begins to call PD-Nim. I sigh and shake my head. Yoongi walks to me and cups my cheeks. 'He won't find out.' I shake my head and look past Yoongi. The air in my lungs is being squeezed out and I now breath really fast. 'Officer, I would like to take her home.' The officer looks puzzled at me. 'Hey John! Could you please let my girlfriend go?' My ex stands beside me and smirks. 'Of course, how is your family doing?' My ex laughs and chats a little bit with the police officer.

'So my girlfriend and her other friends will go now.' The police officer nods and lets us all walk away. 'Now that the police can't see us anymore, let my sister go.' My ex shakes his head and turns around with me. 'No. Everywhere on the news is the fact that Namjoon hurt (Y/N) really badly and that she is single.' I swallow and shake my head. 'Plus, then I couldn't do this.' My ex pushes me over the edge of the floor that we were standing on. '(Y/N)!' I fall down while Jin, Hobi and Yoongi try to catch me while running down.

It won't work because we were pretty high. I fall on the ground and feel a lot of blood streaming around me. '(Y/N)!' I turn my head to the other familiar voice. 'Namjoon...' Namjoon runs to me while he lays me in his arms. 'Ssshhhh, you're going to be okay. I will bring you to the hospital.' I shake my head and put my hand on Namjoon's cheek. 'I am sorry Nam~.' My eyes roll back in my head as I am losing consciousness. '(Y/N), don't leave me. I love you.'

{Time skip}

My eyes shoot open while my breathing begins to become worse. Doctors and nurses run inside the room. 'It's okay. You're save.' I nod and slowly calm down. 'Would you like to call someone?' I nod and smile. 'Yes please.' The nurse gives me my mobile. 'We will leave you for now. If you need anything, push this button.' I nod and smile sweetly. The nurses and doctors slowly leave to let me call someone. 'Please Yoongi. Pick up...' The phone goes over a few times. When I was about to give up, someone answered.

'(Y/N)?!' I chuckle at the sound of my brother's voice. Gosh, I never realised how much I could miss my own brother. 'Yes it's me. Could you all please come visit me? I feel lonely.' Yoongi chuckles and I pout. 'Of course (Y/N), but we need to talk about what happened.' I nod and sigh. 'I get that Yoon. Just get here, I want to hug my big brother again.' I smile at the thought of seeing everyone again. 'We're on our way.' I nod and smile even more. 'See you soon Yoongi!'

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