A week later...

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It's been already a week since (Y/N) got an operation. She maybe hasn't woken up yet but she is at least still alive. 'Suga-hyung, what do you want to eat?' I sigh and turn to Jungkook. 'I don't want anything to eat.' Jungkook sighs and shakes his head. 'I will pick food for you and you're going to eat it even if it means that I have to push it in your mouth.' I roll my eyes and turn back to (Y/N)'s bed. Every member of BTS (except for Suga) have been making shifts in between who would watch over (Y/N).

I have stayed here ever since she came back from the operation. The members would bring me new clothes so now and then. I even showered in the little bathroom that is attached to the hospital room. 'You should take some rest as well Yoongi.' I shake my head and look up at Jin who's sitting down on the other side of the bed. 'I need to be here for (Y/N) when she wakes up.' Jin sighs and holds (Y/N)'s other hand. 'She will kick you to sleep when she wakes up.'

I smile and nod. 'I know that.' Some time passes where me and Jin talk a lot to each other. Normally, I talk this much about stuff with Hobi. He is currently too busy with keeping his girlfriend in control. Saki is really freaking out over (Y/N)'s health. She even calls me almost every minute. 'Yeah Saki and Jay are both really upset. But I think Saki shows it more than Jay.' Jin nods and smiles. 'Jay is probably making sure that Taehyung is okay.' I nod and smile too. 'Or they are making out just to calm each other down.'

I look surprised up when I hear (Y/N)'s voice. 'You're awake (Y/N)!' I jump up and hug her tightly. 'Yes I am, but can you let me go. It still kinda hurts.' Yoongi nods and lets me go slowly. 'What happened? Why haven't you slept Oppa?' Jin raises his eyebrow. 'You see that really fast.' I nod and smile. 'Duh. I am his little sister.' (Y/N) sits up but then grabs the side of her stomach. A doctor walks in and smiles. 'Min (Y/N)?' She nods and smiles.

'The operation went great. The only thing you should watch out with is when you get pregnant. If you get pregnant you need to come here every month to get a check. For now, the wound just needs to heal. Take things slow and build everything slowly up.' We all nod and (Y/N) stands up.

(Y/N)'s POV
I smile to myself when the doctor is telling the part of the pregnancy. There's only one way that I will get pregnant and that would be when I have sex with Namjoon. I stand up and walk away with Jin and Suga helping me.

Jungkook and Jimin just walk in as we walk through the hallways. They both run to me and hug me tightly when they see me. 'Guys, she is still not fully healed. Give her some space.' The guys slowly let me go. 'We're just happy that she is okay. Well, at least awake.' I smile and nod. 'Right now I would love to go to home and see everyone there.' Everyone nods understanding and walks together with me to the car. We drive home. Jungkook and Jimin walk in front of me while Yoongi and Jin walk behind me.

They try to protect me from all the paparazzi that stands around the dorms. Namjoon opens the door and I directly hug him tightly. 'I am sorry for taking so much attention suddenly.' Namjoon smiles and holds me also tight. 'It's okay. The only thing that matters is that you're fine now.' I nod and smile. I missed his embrace so much. When he visited me in the hospital, he was always telling stories about what the other members and/or Saki and Jay did. I grab his wrist and lead him upstairs. 'I think I like where this is going.'

I smile and shake my head. 'We are not having sex!' I scream it extra loud so Yoongi hears it too. When we get into Namjoon's room, I lock the door behind me. 'Namjoon, I want you to tell me stories about yourself. And then I don't mean those old stories, but stories about what you did when I was in the hospital.' I push Namjoon slowly on the bed. 'I didn't do much.' I shake my head and smile. 'You've got to did something when I wasn't around here. Those other stories about here really made me curious for yours.'

Namjoon's eyes open wide. 'You heard me talking to you?' I nod and smile. I sit with my legs on both sides of Namjoon's legs. 'Nothing special happened to me. I just sat on the couch and watched everything happen.' I nod and put my arms around Namjoon's neck. '(Y/N), can I ask you one question?' I nod and look deeply in Namjoon's eyes. 'Can we break one rule right now?' I raise my eyebrow. 'What rule?' Namjoon smirks and leans closer to me. He whispers in my ear what makes my whole body shiver.

'I want to kiss you.' I shake my head and push Namjoon away. 'I can't kiss you. I never really kissed before, and I am probably-.' Namjoon rolls his eyes and begins to kiss me. I go along with it and try my best with kissing. After some time, I push away. 'Am I that bad at kissing?' I shake my head and let my head fall down. 'No but I am.' Namjoon puts his wise finger under my chin and lifts it up so I can only look in his eyes. 'You're not terrible. Besides, I will teach you everything what you need to know.'

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