Need to hug you two

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Laura left to her home and now we're all sitting in the living room. I have my head hang low with my hair for my face so they don't see my face. I am so fucking done with her pretending to be nice. Especially towards Jimin. Suga breaks the silence by asking a question first. 'Is it true?' I say nothing and squeeze my eyes close. Luckily, Namjoon answers for me. 'Yes. Before we went to the living room, she told me everything.' I stand up and walk away. 'Where do you think you're going?' I sigh and still look at the ground.

'Away. I need some time.' I walk away and wipe my face dry from the tears that have been rolling over my cheeks. 'I ruined everything.' With my head down, I walk to the city. '(Y/N), please wait up!' I stop with walking when I hear Jimin's voice. 'I don't want to talk with you.' Jimin lays his hand on my shoulder and lifts my face. 'Please don't be sad. It isn't your fault.' I shake my head. 'It is.' Jimin suddenly looks really worried at me and puts his hand on the back of my neck.

'What's wrong Jimin?' Jimin gets his hand back which is now fully covered in blood. I go pale and also feel at my hairline. 'She just made some scratches. It's okay Chimmie.' Jimin shakes his head and ties his jacket around my neck. 'We need to get you to a doctor.' I roll my eyes and sigh. 'No we don-.' My head begins to spin really badly and my legs become weaker. Jimin catches me and puts my arm around him. 'I am going to take you to a doctor. If you want it or not.' I sigh and give up.

{Half an hour later}

Instead of just going to the doctor, we ended up in the hospital. She pitted her really long fake nails pretty deep in my neck and the wound on my head is also because of her fake nails. Jimin walks into my room and sighs. 'I called Yoongi. He said that they would all come as soon as possible.' I nod and sigh. I look on my phone and open twitter because my phone is exploding with notifications from the bird app. @Min(Y/N), is this true? I open the link and come on a site with a strange article.

'Jimin, you should go home and make sure that no one comes here.' Jimin raises his eyebrow. 'Now please. I will deal with something different. I will call you guys when everything is handled.' Jimin hesitates but leaves when he said goodbye. I take a deep breath and react at the fan. Sorry I am not pregnant. It's true that I was bleeding but that had nothing to do with any of what the article says. Besides, why would Jimin be the father? Namjoon is mine. I take a deep breath and look to my side.

Jimin left his bag here. I grab it and use his laptop to video call Namjoon. '(Y/N)! You're okay. Well I mean you're in a hospital-.' I giggle and nod. 'I am fine Nam. Could you bring NamSun to me?' Namjoon nods and shows NamSun in front of the camera. 'Did you miss her more than me?' I shake my head and giggle again. 'No I didn't Namjoon. I just want to hug you both for some time.' Namjoon nods and smiles. 'Namjoon, is that (Y/N)?' Namjoon nods and Jimin sits down next to him. 'I am keeping everyone here.'

I nod and smile. 'Namjoon can come here to bring me NamSun, no one else.' Jimin nods and sighs. 'Guys, (Y/N) is calling!' Everyone gathers around Namjoon's laptop while Namjoon sneaks away with NamSun. I giggle and talk with everyone. 'What happened with you? Are you sure that you're okay? Don't we need to come by?' I shake my head and smile. 'It's better if you don't. Plus I am fine Kookie.' Yoongi sighs and looks up from his phone. 'Yes Kookie she is really fine. Plus, she is trending on twitter because of something that she said to ARMY.'

I swallow and shake my head. 'That isn't true.' Yoongi raises his eyebrow. 'Then look on your Twitter.' I nod and open my Twitter. Yoongi is right... People took a load of screenshots of the comment that I placed. Let's make a new hashtag popular. I was thinking of #NamjoonIs(Y/N)s. My cheeks begin to colour a deep red colour. 'I didn't want it to become trendy. I just wanted to make sure that people didn't think I was pregnant.' Yoongi nods and sighs. 'You're an idiot.' I nod and smile.

'Well I am your sister so I probably owned it from you.' Yoongi rolls his eyes and gummy smiles to me. A soft knock sounds on my door some time later. Namjoon, NamSun and a nurse walk in. 'There is someone here for you.' I nod and smile. The nurse checks a few things for me and then leaves again. 'Are you still video chatting?' I nod and Namjoon sits down next to me. He hands me NamSun and I begin to play with her. 'How...? When did Namjoon get there?' I swallow and look at my screen. 'I wanted to talk to Namjoon in private, sorry.'

NamSun begins to lick my cheekbones and I smile. 'Look Tannie, it's your new little sister.' I smile and show NamSun to the laptop. Namjoon suddenly puts his hands on my cheeks and pulls himself close to me. 'Now that she isn't looking.' Namjoon gives me a kiss and I directly kiss back. I missed this even when I saw him before I left out of the house. 'You two stop it.' I roll my eyes when Namjoon and I break apart from the kiss. NamSun directly begins to bark at Namjoon which makes me chuckle.

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