41. Wake me up

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"Tony?" I called.

"Yes babe" he responded.

"Where are you?" I questioned desperately.

"Ummm in the middle of something" he replied hesitantly.

"What?" I asked as he kept silent, I could hear the sound of the wind blowing "don't tell me you're in that thing" I stammered.

"Yeah, honey___" he responded as I cut him off "Tony stark you better come back to me right now" I demanded "babe" he exhaled.

"But you promised" my voice cracked.

"It's me keeping my promise, to keep you safe" his voice heavy as the signal began to break "babe? babe?" He called as the line went off as I dropped my phone & cried.

"Coco" Cindy rushed upto me "what's wrong?" She embraced me.

"It's Tony, he's on that thing" I chocked as Cindy went speechless & just rubbed my back.

"So any idea who's on space with Mr Stark?" Happy asked as I replied "Peter & Strange, that's all I know" as he held his head low "oh!" I knew what was on his mind how can the three of them defeat Thanos the one with the infinity stones as no being has even wield not only one but two infinity stones before & if he gets his hand on the time stone, who knows what was going to happen next.

"Let's keep the faith heh. The avengers has always saved & protected us didn't they?" Cindy forced a smile as I wiped a tear "they did".

"And I'm sure with this new nanotechnology of his, Tony will be safe in space" she comforted me as I nodded "yeah, I hope".

"He will be Mam, he's the invincible ironman" Happy smiled a bit.

"Are Ryan & Pepper with dad?" I asked as Happy replied "yes, Mam they are all safe & sound in Malibu together" as I gave a sigh of relief "at least they are safe".

"And we will all be, just keep the faith" Happy looked at me as I nodded "I am".

"Mam, Nat is on the line" Ana said as she walked into the room as I picked up the phone "Nat?"

"Boss, how are you?" She asked.

"I'm good & you?" I asked.

"Yes, we all are good here. Are you safe?" She was concerned "yes, I am" I responded.

"Glad to hear that" she chuckled low "here Steve wants to talk to you" she handed him the phone.

"Coco?" Steve called as I responded "Steve".

"I'm so glad to hear your voice, how have you been?" He asked "good & you?" I asked.

"Never better" he exhaled "I heard about Tony, Bruce told us" he said slowly "Are you okay?"

"I am, I guess" I responded.

"I'm very sorry, but I promise you I'll do whatever it takes to protect this earth & bring him back to you" he assured me "I know you will, thank you" I said slowly.

I love you 3000 (part2) [TONY STARK fanfic] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now