7. Locked away

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"Tennessee" Ryan looked at me as I nodded "yeah, I over heard Tony's flight plan to Tennessee with Jarvis so I'm going there to look for him" I mentioned "oh no! are you insane? he's the chief target of the mandarin & you want to go on this man hunt on your own" he stammered.

"I don't care who the mandarin is or who the fuck is even after Tony, I'm going because I've to...I need to see him, I need to know he's safe" I said.

"He is safe, he send you a message" he reminded me.

"Thats not good enough, because I know if it was me...Tony would fight the world to reach me" I said slowly "but he is ironman & you are you" he said.

"Don't under estimate the power of a lady, brother" I murmured as I stood up.

"What the fuck! I'm coming with you" he cursed as he stood up "let's go on a little adventure, shall we" I chuckled as we walked out the door. We took the jet to Tennessee & honestly, it was my first trip there but I had no time to be excited cos we were on a mission to look for Tony. It was snowing & cold when we landed as me & Ryan started our search for Tony in a place none of us had any idea about but thankfully Jarvis was with Tony & if I tracked Jarvis then Tony will be there too, so I had no tension in my mind we halted outside a house as me & Ryan got down from the car.

"Shall we knock on the front door?" Ryan asked as I responded "yeah" after some few knocks & yells a boy answered "mom's, not home".

"Son, we are looking for a man named Tony" Ryan said as the boy peeped out of the window, he had blonde hair & he was adorable "I've seen you" he murmured as he looked at me "but where?"

"We are looking for a man named Tony Stark, have you seen him or has any idea about him...cos we have tracked his location to this house" I said.

Then he beamed "ah! Tony has a picture of you".

"Wait! What? Tony's here?" I asked as he opened the door "nah! he's out at the moment but you can come in" as he smiled.

"Thank you, what's your name?" I asked "Harley" he responded as Ryan asked "so any idea when will Tony be coming back home?"

"Nope" he replied.

"So you live alone with your mom?" I looked at him "yeah, dad left about 6 years ago" he said slowly.

"I'm so sorry, to hear that" I mumbled as he chuckled "Tony told me, dad's leave don't be a pussy about it".

"What really?" I looked at the kid in disbelief "this guy, he has no manners or whatever to talk to kids" as Ryan giggled.

"I guess that's him" Harley responded as we heard the garage door opening "Wait! He lives on the garage?" Ryan looked at him as Harley nodded "yeah, he don't want mom or anyone to know about him living here so" as we walked into the garage Tony was busy with his suit "where were you kid?" He asked as he turned around & saw us all standing right there behind him "wait! What? How?" he was shocked as Ryan chuckled "Coco, found you" as Tony moved forward & pulled me into a bear hug "I'm extremely sorry about everything".

"It's okay Tony" I rubbed his back as he looked down on me "I can't belief it" as I smiled "you know I'd find you, didn't you?"

I love you 3000 (part2) [TONY STARK fanfic] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now