30. Love story

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Tony & Cindy did become friends eventually because even though Cindy lied she did it for a reason & she thought what she was doing was right at that point of time & Tony knew what exactly Cindy was thinking & he couldn't be even mad at her for taking such a dumb move, but he regretted how he reacted towards Steve Rogers because at the end of the day Steve was only trying to help & nothing else. He might have upset Tony by keeping Bucky's true identity from him but Steve did it for a reason & as much as I didn't want to admit it, I know Steve did the right thing because Bucky was not himself & one cant blame him for whatever he did when he was under mind control. You & I would have done the same if we were in his shoes without a second thought because we wouldn't be ourselves, if we were under a spell kind of thing.

On the other hand my brother & Pepper were having the time of their lives as they went on an all expenses honey moon trip across Europe because Tony being extra wanted to top my wedding gift of course, which was my Malibu mansion & so he decided not only a holiday trip across Europe but a mansion across the street in Hidden Hills so me & Ryan could be neighbours or maybe his intention was to come & spy on me from Ryan's the next time I decide to take a break from him. Pepper really didn't want to accept the mansion from Tony but she knew he wouldn't take no for an answer, and it didn't really matter because we were a family in the end.

I finally decided to call Steve back, I really didn't want Tony to know that one day the mail man brought me a box & inside was a phone. I knew Tony got the same phone from Steve but maybe he will never utilise it because he may never need Steve but for me, I needed him to know that I forgave him for taking Bucky's side instead of Tony's & I wanted to apologise for what Cindy did because it had harmed his & Tony's relationship to a great extent.

"Hello" Steve picked up the call "Coco, is it you?"

"Yeah, it me" I exhaled.

"It's so nice to hear your voice, I didn't expect to hear from you anytime soon" he shuttered.

"I didn't expect to call you, either" I mumbled.

"Is everything okay?" He sounded concern.

"Yes, everything is okay Steve" I said.

"That's good to know" he sounded relived.

"I just wanted to apologise for what Cindy did, what she did was wrong she should have never used your name & she's extremely sorry as well...she wanted to apologise to you face to face but you were gone & I didn't even tell her I had this phone" I said slowly "it's okay, shit happens sometimes you know" he murmured "I forgave her already".

"Thank you, Steve" I smiled to myself.

"Did you forgive me?" He ask cautiously.

"I did Steve, it wasn't your fault from the first place...I know why you did what you did & one day Tony will realise it too, he just needs time for now" I said "I am happy for you guys" he mumbled.

"Thank you, I just wanted you to know that we are okay & everything is cool between you & I as well" I told him.

"I'm really glad you called coco, I was not at peace ever since I left...I really wanted to contact you but I couldn't, I wish you knew how much it means to me that you are happy" he said.

I love you 3000 (part2) [TONY STARK fanfic] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now