3. Unconditionally

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"Tony just had a massive anxiety attack! Are you serious?" I asked Rhodey on the phone.

"Yes, I am & he just flew away" he responded.

"Where?" I questioned.

"Home, maybe" he replied.

"Oh my god! I hope he's okay" I murmured.

"Don't worry, I'll go check on him you carry on with your works...I'll keep you updated" he told me as we hanged up the call.

"Mam, your 4 o'clock is here" the lady told me as I nodded "thank you".

"And who is this 4 o'clock of yours?" Happy looked at me as I chuckled "you are no less than Tony" & walked into my office, I was tensed because of Tony & now I've to meet Josh Killian which was really awkward as he was my ex & I really didn't want to see him.

"Coco" he beamed as he saw me "Josh" I smiled as he hugged me "you look great".

"You as well" I mumbled as we took a seat "what brings you here?" I asked.

"A proposal, I should say" he replied.

"About?" I looked at him in shock, I really hope it's not the kind of proposal I'm thinking about.

"Heh. I'm working with Advanced Idea Mechanics now & my partner is Aldrich Killian the founder of the company as well as my cousin brother, he wanted me to approach you since we had a history together in the past...I just hope we can all work hand in hand together" he said.

"Work together for what?" I asked slowly.

"Killian has developed this new technology to access the DNA, it's a huge boon for all" he mentioned.

"Josh, I'm really not the person to approach in these matters" I murmured.

"Your the boss" he looked at me.

"Hmmm, the thing is this company's is Tony's even if he likes it or not & I won't take any major decisions without him in it...and I'm sorry to say that whatever it maybe it will be a no from him as well because you know why" I said.

"Because we have a history?" He asked "not only that but because stark industries is not dealing with weapons anymore" I mentioned.

"I just hope we could work it out" he mumbled.

"But our paths lead different ways" I exhaled.

"I'll be seeing you again" he kissed my cheek as he left, I laid my head on the couch & took a deep breath what the hell just happened?

"Boss" Happy stood besides me.

"Yeah" I mumbled with my eyes closed.

"The car is ready" he said.

"Thank you, Happy" I said as I stood up.

I drove home steadily, I really hated driving because I'm used to the passenger seat or the back seat but at times I drive myself home from work so that I don't lose my balance & focus especially in traffics. As I slowly pulled up in our driveway I see this over the top bunny or maybe a dog doll right outside the main door was it like 20 feet tall, I couldn't say MERRY CHRISTMAS COCO it read as I looked up at the giant soft toy in front of me.

I love you 3000 (part2) [TONY STARK fanfic] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now