8. Rose hill

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"Pepper has conveyed her love & concern" Ryan mumbled as he kept his phone down on his lap.

"You seem to be missing her" I murmured as Tony laid his head down on my lap "whatever maybe the case, I'm having a good time in Rose hill".

"You jerk" Ryan chuckled as he rested his feet on the sofa "why don't you go back, it's your first holiday together?" I looked at him.

"Talking about going back, why don't you go back with Ryan?" Tony looked up at me.

"And leave you here all alone" I shook my head "babe, I'm fine...I'm good, you know what I've to do" he said slowly.

"I'm not going to let you go on a man hunt alone, looking for the mandarin" I clenched my jaws.

"And I can't leave you guys, Pepper is at her mom's safe & sound" Ryan looked at us.

"Ryan, this is the first ever Christmas that none of us are together & even grams...she's growing every year, so at least I want one of us to be with her & that being you" I said softly.

"She likes you more, you know" Ryan smirked as Tony interrupted "why don't you go & spend your sweet time with grams, while Ryan over here looks after me....." he gazed at Ryan as Ryan nodded "yeah, that will be good for both of us".

"No, I can't...tony here, you can't handle him Ryan" I murmured as Tony lifted his head up from my lap & chuckled "I'll behave babe, just go it's for our favourite lady" as I gave it a thought for a while, Tony was actually right grams is growing each year & we don't know if the next holiday she will be with us & it saddens us if we can't be around her so it was the best if I could go back & be with her.

"You guys better not mess this up, or you know I'll bury you both alive" I warned as they both nodded "loud & clear, boss".

"So where are you planning on taking me?" I asked as Tony drove "a place" he responded.

"So you have no idea, where we are going aren't you" I looked at him as he nodded "I'm new here, you can't blame me".

"I can't belief you are living in Harley's garage & bossing that poor kid around, he's like ten you know" I murmured as he responded "for you kind information, he's eleven".

"I don't know what kind of father you will become" I chuckled as he gazed at me "so you thinking about us, having a family?"

"I didn't say that" I mentioned.

"But your thinking about it" he smirked.

"I think about a lot of things Tony & family is the last thing on my mind right now" I said slowly.

"I'm sorry, you know" he apologised "for everything that I've put you through, I know it's not easy to be my girlfriend but honestly you have outdone yourself & I'm lucky to have you".

"I'm lucky to have you Tony, because underneath this billionaire image of yours...lies a true genuine man, who would do anything for the one he loves" I smiled as he smiled "that's because I found a purpose in my life, to live for the one thing I love & care for & that's you, it's always been you".

I love you 3000 (part2) [TONY STARK fanfic] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now