31. In between the lines

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This chapter have some stories on doctor strange, Thor the dark world & spider man homecoming...it's not in detail but it's written in such a way that all these superhero characters, at least have a place in this fanfic 😊 there are too many superhero's in the marvel universe so I'll never be able to mention all of them or make their back stories...since this is a Tony Stark fan fic but I wanted to add some more characters to it, to at least make a little bit more justice to the avengers. I'm not a professional & this is just a fan fic in the end so guys, please understand if I don't meet up to your expectations.


"Thank you for seeing me, Mam" Christine Palmer beamed as we sat down. Doctor Christine Palmer, is a surgeon at metro general hospital we met for the first time when my grandmother was in surgery. We were not friends nor do we know each other personally, the only thing I know about her is she's a doctor. It was odd she contacted me to see her at this cafe but I couldn't turn her down because she & her colleague Doctor Stephan Strange who is considered as one of the best surgeons across the country has looked after my family & Stephan was my dad's personal doctor.

"It's nice to see you, again" I smiled as we placed our orders "any specific reasons why you wanted to see me?"

"I know Mam, we don't know each other & it's really weird that this is coming from me but I don't know whom to turn to at this dire hour of need...I came across some of your works & your boyfriend's Mr Stark as well & I know you both have been really generous. I'm not asking you anything from free but I really want a loan, because no one is ready to help us as we have lost a lot of money in the past few months" her voice heavy.

"Lost, like how?" I was kind of shocked "my boyfriend, now ex Stephan...he met with an accident, several nerve damage & his hands they are crippled but he doesn't want to give up. He wants to go to Tokyo for another surgery 200,000$ dollars he said" she gave a deep sigh.

"I'm so sorry to hear that, I didn't know...I mean none of us knew this about Strange" I mentioned.

"Yeah, he wants to keep it from the world...he's ashamed you see" she said.

"This is terrible I mean, I'm really very sorry Christine...can we go & see him after this, I hope he won't mind" I looked at her as she murmured "we broke off actually, it's been a week now but yeah...we should. I don't like leaving him on his own especially in this situation". We reached the apartment where doctor Stephan resided but got the news that he was out of the city, both me & Christine were shocked of course. Where did he actually go? to Tokyo for the surgery but Christine said he had no money in his pocket so it was really unexpected. I gave her my personal contact number as well as my assistant's & told her to contact me if she change her mind about the money, because since Stephan isn't around she didn't want it anymore.

"Dad, that doctor of your's Stephan Strange he met a serious accident. Did you know that?" I looked at him as he mumbled "no, I didn't. Is he okay?"

"Yeah, he's okay but his girlfriend or should I say ex told me that his hands are not working like it use to before" I said slowly.

"That's awful, I mean he's a surgeon his hands are his treasures" he looked at me quite horrified.

"I know right, it's sad" I murmured.

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