18. Jarvis

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"What happened?" I asked as I opened my weary eyes "you were weak...doc said you are stressed & you have anxiety, like major anxiety" Tony voice cracked a bit as he sat beside me "what's wrong, Coco...you can tell me?"

"It's nothing" I mumbled "now let's not play that game" he looked down on me his eyes heavy as I murmured "there's so many things going on my mind right now Tony & number one being grams, I'm afraid to lose her" my voice heavy.

"We all are, aren't we" he said softly trying his best to comfort me.

"She has been my mother, my best friend & my protector...I don't know how I'll face the world without her in it, after what happened to Ice I'm just feeling more low than before" I admitted as he embraced me "Your the strongest women I know, you handle me when I couldn't even handle myself...don't say that" he kissed my cheek.

"I'm sorry...you have to see this" I looked at him "why do you say this? Babe" I heard the worry in his voice "because I know even you have been through a lot & I don't want you to stress anymore" I gave a deep sigh as he smiled warmly at me but behind that smile was a broken man "taking care of you is my top priority, even if you like it or not...now get some rest" as he kissed my forehead. I don't remember how I even slept off but when I woke up, I found myself alone in the hospital room. It was weird because Tony never leaves me on my own, when I'm not well maybe he's in the washroom or he went to grab a coffee as the door opened I called "Tony" as I gazed at the door.

"It's me" Cindy exhaled as she walked in "Tony left some minutes ago, something really bad happened at the tower".

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"After you guys left, we were all having a good time playing spin the bottle & then suddenly out of nowhere these armours of Tony started attacking us...it was scary, it was like they all had a mind of their own" she said "Jarvis controls them" I looked at her in horror because how can Jarvis attack them, he's not a bad guy.

"Coco the thing is...it wasn't Jarvis it was something else, Tony & Bruce created & I'm very sorry to say that Jarvis is no more with us" she murmured.

"What do you mean he's no more with us, is he dead?" I stammered as she nodded "I'm sorry".

"How could this happen, he's an AI" my voice cracked as tears welled up my eyes, even though Jarvis was not a living breathing person for me he was & I did love & care for him, he was family so many things came flashing through my mind like the first time Tony created him & named him Jarvis after their family loyal butler & the holiday season before our Malibu mansion collapsed Jarvis had his own socks on the fireplace those little details & memories that made the A.I. more than an A.I.

"Hey, it's okay" she came & embraced me "all these stress from aliens to terrorists attacking & destroying our home to Tony nearly dying a couple of times...and losing Ice & now Jarvis" I began to weep as she hold me tightly "calm down, Coco...you know you can't handle stress...so please" as she rubbed my back.

"Am I cursed?" I mumbled as she looked at me in horror "no, you aren't".

"Then why is all these things happening Cindy, only after I fell in love with Tony he was kidnapped & then he became ironman...before when we were not together everything was okay, but now after me everything has changed" I said slowly as she wiped my tears "you are the best thing that has ever happened to Tony, and you are an amazing girlfriend & one day you will be an amazing mom...what is happening is not because of you, it's because it's mend to be & you gotta be strong because if you aren't people around you will break. Look at Tony how everyday he has the courage to man up & fight & put that big cocky smirk on his face, not because he's ironman but because he has you".

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