39. Avengers infinity war & endgame

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So the upcoming chapters are going to be really different from infinity war & endgame because this book is not really about the avengers & their battles but a love story...everything is going to be twisted & there might be similarities & there might be not. So I'm warning you guys from the start, please be kind...thank you 😌


It's me Tony Stark genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist...well, that was a while ago...let me tell you the story of how Tony Stark actually came into being.

My dad was the most famous creator of all times Howard Stark & my mom was the loving Maria Stark, I was born on May 29th 1970. My childhood as long as I could remember was cold & affection less, mostly because I didn't have a good relationship with my father of course. My relationship with my mother & the William's were the only thing that was real in my life & nothing more. My father & Sarah William were best friends & from there I got introduced to their family from as long as I could remember, Sarah's grandson Ryan was little over a month older than I am & so from there we became more than friends, we became brothers growing up together. Ryan's mom Liana was a really beautiful & charming lady soft spoken but strict & her husband George loved her so much, I've never ever seen a man look at a woman the way George looked at Liana. Every winter our families get together for a trip & that's what we all look forward to all year but one winter Mr & Mrs William surprised us all with a very beautiful news they were expecting a baby.

As a kid I didn't know how exciting that news was but by the tears in their eyes I was moved & I thought, wow! A baby. I can't wait to see who he or she would be, Ryan was finally going to have a sibling of his own & me on the other hand I'd be a loner because that's what I always am. The day finally arrived when my life was going to change forever but I didn't knew back then, my parents took me to the hospital & there I laid my eyes on the most beautiful baby I've ever seen "Cassandra Ivan William" Mrs William said so lovingly as she looked down on her baby with pride & joy in her eyes. I remember my parents praising the baby & how she's going to grow up into a beautiful woman one day.

Sadly, Coco didn't have the privilege to grow up with a mother's love because right after she was born Mrs William fell terribly ill & in the long run she was not able to make it. At the young age of one Coco had to live without a mother but her grandmother Sarah took immense care of her & gave her the same love & care that a mother would give to a child. I saw how Mr William broke down that day, I've never seen a man cry in my life but that day I did & it was the saddest sight that I could remember as a kid & I realised how much he loved his wife. Sarah nicknamed Cassandra with the name Coco, a name that she will be known for her life to come because Coco was actually the middle name of Cassandra's mother Liana. Liana's full name was Liana Coco William & since the vast similarities between Liana & her daughter Cassandra & to keep her mother's memory alive, Sarah decided to nick name the baby Coco & everyone loved it.

Years, passed & Coco began to grow she was adorable as a baby & even a child. Me & Ryan always looked after her & whenever we went out we always brought her a thing or the other. I was 13 when I found out what Valentine's Day was, I saw men gifting gifts & red roses to women & a lot of people wearing red. We were around Coco's pre school where lots of red roses were being sold across the street, Ryan & I both had a crush on this blonde girl in that neighbourhood & Ryan dared me. Whoever gifts the red rose to the girl, wins. I was upto the challenge so we both got red roses & walked upto her house but as we neared the door my eyes caught the right side of the park where the kids play & my eyes quickly recognised Coco, I ran towards the playground. I was kind of pissed they were there playing when they should be home.

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