2. What goes around, comes around

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"What about Canada?" Tony suggested.

"Well, I've never been there" grams murmured.

"Same" I responded.

"Neither did we" Ryan said as he hold Pepper's hand.

"Canada it is" Dad exhaled "but exactly where are we going in Canada?" Pepper asked as we all looked at each other in confusion "why don't you & I, be the judge of that then" I looked at her as she smiled "sure, Mam". Pepper & I decided we all should visit Quebec City in Canada since the city date back to the early 16th century & we do love a historic city.

Tony & I drove home in silence as Tony had a lot going on his mind these days, he seemed off in a different kind of way & I didn't know how to even explain but he went through a lot. New York was nothing the world had expected before "you want to talk about it?" I murmured as he parked the car.

"Talk about what?" he gazed at me.

"You" I stated.

"Don't make this about me, hon" he murmured.

"I just want to know if you're okay?" I asked as he chuckled low "I am, your here & the holiday spirit is near...you know I love Christmas" as I chuckled "yeah, Christmas is your favourite always" as I got out of the car.

"It's because I get to spend it with you" he said as he got out of the car.

"Oh! Tony" I shook my head as I walked inside.

"For real babe, before you & I were a thing Christmas was the only holiday where we could be together as a family" he followed.

"And your women" I reminded him as I tied my hair up in a bun.

"It's your fault you know" he stood in front of me.

"How you being a playboy was my fault?" I looked at him in confusion.

"I always tried with you but you never gave me the chance, making me impatient & crazy & a playboy to drown my sorrows & alcohol helps" he said as I shook my head in disbelief "stop pinning your mistakes on me".

"I know it's my fault babe, but if you had even given a little interest on me back then...I'd have changed" he looked at me.

"I did in 99, you forgot?" I folded my arms.

"How can I forget...after giving me some hope, you end up kissing your ex boyfriend" he scoffed.

"What? I did not" I protested.

"I saw you guys inside that shop, kissing...you want me to recreate it for you" he mentioned.

"Oh my god! Tony, that was nothing" I hissed.

"So you making out with your ex on New Year's Eve, breaking my already broken heart again & again is nothing for you" he stepped forward.

"I went to get the nutcracker & as I turned around I saw him face to face, he just kissed me...I was so shocked, I couldn't react so I pushed him away & by the moment I came out you were gone...so me & Happy made our way back to the hotel & I saw you with those ladies & you flirting around as always. Then you wished me happy new year & kissed one of them, right in front of my eyes" I explained.

"I kissed her & I was flirting with them cos you left me hanging, I saw you making out with your ex" he grabbed my shoulders.

"So, you were trying to make me jealous?" I rolled my eyes "I was crazy for you, you don't see it...I couldn't take it, I just went nuts when I saw you making out with him so I just went & grabbed whoever I could grab" he explained.

"I cannot with you Tony, you are insane...how do you expect me to love & respect you, when you do crazy shits like that" I stepped back.

"I know now what I did was wrong, but you just played with my head too much" he said.

"And what more?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He looked at me "you know what I mean, what more did you do?" I questioned.

"You really want to know?" He asked "yeah" I nodded "then I should take a leave" he said as he walked away.

"You slept with them?" I asked in horror.

"No! I'm not that kind of playboy" he said making his way to the garage.

"Then who?" I followed him.

"The one I kissed" he said hardly above a whisper but I heard it loud & clear.

"You will be sleeping alone, from now on" I yelled as he walked into his garage trying to ignore the conversation, typical Tony what more could I say & he blaming me saying I'm the reason behind his flings I just couldn't. Why can't he just man up & admit his fault at times but guess no amount of reality check can take away the tony in tony.

Some people call me a terrorist
I consider myself as a teacher.
ready for another lesson?
in 1864 in sand creek Colorado,
the US military waited
until the friendly Cheyenne braves
had all gone hunting.
waited to attack & slaughter
the families left behind
and claim their land.
39, hours ago
the Ali al Salem air base in Kuwait
was attacked.
I..... I...... I did that.
a quaint military church
filled with wives & children,
of course.
the solider were out on manoeuvre.
the braves were away.
President Ellis.
You continue to resists my attempts
to educate you, sir.
and now you've missed me again.
You know who I am.
You don't know where I am.
and you'll never see me coming.

That's what the Mandarin said on the news & he's making headlines this season, who the hell is the mandarin? No one knows the only thing they know about him is he's a killer & he's a threat to the world. Even the way he looks & carry himself was scary, an old man with deep eyes & long white beard.

And on the other hand Rhodey who took Tony's suit war machine has now painted it in red, white & blue & is known by iron patriot.

"Keeping up with the news lately?" Rhodey asked as he walked into the living area.

"As a matter of fact I am, iron patriot" I teased.

"That's more stubble you know than war machine" he mentioned as I chuckled "yeah" & grabbed my purse "so you not joining us?" He asked.

"I've an important meeting Rhodey" I said as Tony walked upto us "it's just you & me, buddy".

"Yeah, have some guy time" I smiled as I kissed Tony on the cheek & walked towards the door "I love you babe" he yelled as I walked out the door.

I love you 3000 (part2) [TONY STARK fanfic] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now