XLIV. Many Misunderstanding

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Vivian's POV:

Suddenly, Lawson and Gianni burst out laughing. "Lover? I wished she was his lover!" Lawson shouted, smacking his knee. "That way, his family would feel bad about stealing my wife away and hopefully offer to take care of me for the rest of my life!"

Harper smacked him in the head.

"Ow!" He rubbed his head and smirked, "Listen to me, darling! It's not a bad idea! I mean, you get a nice young wealthy husband, and maybe I'll get a new mansion to cry inside!"

Harper continued smacking Lawson with her purse while Elaina and Kate shook their heads.

"What? I'll be thinking of you while I'm crying on the young a bit too sexy to be a nanny's chest!"

"You pig!" Harper continued to smack him.

"Someone got to take care of the girls while I'm in depression about my wife leaving me for a younger wealthier man!"

Before I knew it, I burst out laughing at their light-hearted interactions. Anyone who passed by would know it wasn't a real fight, rather a mini fickle argument between the couple. It was nice, calming. Suddenly, I felt as if a heavyweight had been lifted from my chest, and I couldn't stop laughing.

"I'm so sorry, but you two are just so funny." I heaved a breath before grabbing my cone of ice cream from Liam. He handed the other three to Harper, Elaina, and Kate.

"What about Maya?" The little girl in Harper's arms asked. Harper hand her the ice cream, and Maya began licking it, ever so cautiously glanced at me.

We all sat down and chatted about random things while the girls talk to each other. A few minutes later, Lawson orders a large raspberry and strawberry sundae despite Harper protest. Each person got a long-handled silver spoon, devouring the coldness. I watched as Liam cautiously ate around the strawberries. I don't understand. One moment, he likes strawberries and the next, he avoids it as if there is a wad of bacteria.

I moaned lowly at the sweet dessert. My body flinched when I felt a napkin to my side. "Sorry. You got something there." Harper continued whipping the dessert from my mouth.

"Are you okay, Vivian?" Kate asked, with ice cream all over her face.

"Mum! What did you do?" Elaina looks accusingly at her own mother.
"I didn't do anything!" Harper responded before putting down the dirty napkin, "What's wrong, Vivian?"

The tears flowed down from my cheeks, and I quickly wiped it away. I could feel my face burning from all the concerned looks. A sudden magnitude of emotions waved over me. "You just kind of reminded me of my mom."

Harper smiled faintly while the guys cleared their throat, turning their heads to talk about other matters. Meanwhile, Liam was still staring at me.

"I get it. You miss your mom," Elaina stated with a nod. "I miss my mum, too whenever she couldn't tuck me in bed at night."

I laughed at her statement while nodding in agreement, "That's exactly it."

When we finished the ice cream, we decided to departure ways in the parking lot. Gianni was going back to his apartment. Harper and her family were staying at a hotel before going back to the UK. Which leaves Liam and me with Marisa; an enjoyable car ride home.

Harper granted me a hug. I never knew I could get so close with someone thought was my ex-husband lover so quickly, but Harper somehow made it easy to love her and her family.

"Look. I'm in no place to tell you what to do since we're stranger but-" she was still holding my hands as Liam placed Marisa in the car, "talk to Liam. I noticed there seemed to be many-" she exhaled dramatically, "many misunderstanding between the both of you."

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