XVI. Humiliation, Threats, and Negligence

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Vivian's POV:

I did it.

I killed him.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I stabbed him.

Over and over and over.

And over.

And over.

And over.

Mentally, of course.

I refuse to stain my only work outfit with Liam's blood.

"Is there something wrong?" Liam asked.

The coffee cup shakes in my hand as I muster up the nastiest glare I can present. He dared to mess up my coffee. "This isn't what I told you to order."

Liam tilts his head to the side, playing stupid. "Is it not to your liking miss? Espresso, extremely heavy on the milk?"

I had half a mind to throw the cup at him, but there were too many witnesses "I asked for light milk."

"I'm quite certain you said heavy," Liam said.

Before I can say another word, Becca stepped out of her office with the cup of coffee in her hand. She stood in front of me and threw the coffee inside the trash can causing the hot liquid to splatter everywhere. "What the fuck was that?"

I stood up, "Ms.Baker." She held up a hand, preventing me from speaking any further.

"Is it too much-" she spoke slowly, and everyone lowers their heads, "to get a fucking proper cup of coffee around here!" she shrieked. We watched as she stomp out of the room.

Everyone stared at me, but they quickly resume their work. Quickly, I glare at Liam, the root of all problems. "You. Go sit over there!" I barked.

He retreated.

After three hours, I've had enough. "Why are you staring at me?" I hissed lowly.

"What else am I supposed to do?"

I look around the desk, "Here-" I grabbed a piece of paper, "Go copy these. Give me three copies," I said, handing him a piece of paper with the printer's code. I wanted to get rid of him as quickly as possible.

Liam grasps both items before heading out the door. After two hours, Liam returned; dragged by a red face Earl on the wrist. "Your assistant broke the printer." He threw Liam towards me.

"What?" I look at Liam.

He shrugs, "You didn't train me how to use the copier."

"It's a copy machine! You press the green button and print."

"Teach your assistant not to break the printer." Earl pointed a stern finger towards me as if it was my fault that Liam messed up before he walked away. "You do not want to see the nasty side of me Blanc." Earl was less friendly than usual. He stomped away, throwing both hands in the air while mumbling incoherent words to himself.

"How can you not know how to use the copy machine?"

"I've always had someone to do it for me. You know, you shouldn't send your underlings out and about without proper guidelines."

I look at the stapler on my desk and I imagine myself stapling his mouth shut.

I glance over towards the duct tape, wondering how many rolls would it take to tape a smartass heir to the wall.

He took a few blinks, "Well, why are you sitting there? Go show me how to properly use the printer." He is my assistant, but he's commanding me.

Inhaling a deep breath, I stood up and stomped towards the printing room. Liam was hovering over me. "First you put in the department code," I punch the numbers on the piece of paper."

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