Everhart Meets Young [Extra2]

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Much to Mun Mi Young's and Charlie's family disapproval, she married Charlie Everhart.

"Noona! Why are you marrying him? You can do better than a pretty boy!" is something Mun Mi's younger brother would often say. Coming from a family of muscles, Mun Mi's younger brother can't help but sneer when Mun Mi introduced Charlie Everhart.

The man was tall and lean with a face of a model, yes, but he wasn't built like the men in Mun Mi's life. To Mun Mi's younger brother, he looks like one of those pretty boys who squealed when their shirt get dirty.

He's certain that Mun Mi is the one who kills all the spiders in the house.

Mun Mi's younger brother isn't wrong.

Charlie is scared of spiders.

It's the second thing he's feared the most. The first is Mun Mi's crying. In Charlie's mind, when she cries, all hell breaks loose.

"How are you going to protect my sister with those noodle arms?" Mun Mi's younger brother would often ask.

"Who are you to call my son arm's noodles?" Charlie's father screamed.

Right now, Charlie and Mun Mi are having their first family meeting.

Mun Mi's father looks at Charlie's father. He scoffed, "The apple does not fall far from the tree, I see."

Charlie's side of the family gasped. Charlie's mother covered her husband arm. "How vulgar!"

"What did you do to my son?" Charlie's father screamed.

"I know what she did! She probably places some sort of witch-like a spell on Charlie! Forced him to be infatuated with her," Charlie's mother shouted.

"Please! My sister is beautiful! She doesn't need to do anything," Mun Mi's brother screamed. "Your son is the one kissing the ground she walks on!"

"My son is the one kissing- what?" Charlie's mother scoffed, "Charlie is tall, handsome, intelligent, and young. Your daughter is how old?"

Mun Mi's grandpa and father gasped, "My daughter is young!" Mun Mi's father screamed.

"28 and still chasing young men. Does she have no shame?"

"Mother!" Charlie shouted. He pounded a fist against the table.

The room was silent momentarily until the volumes escalated once more. Mun Mi sat there, sipping the tea in front of her while Charlie slides down his chair, a groaning sound exiting his throat.

Mun Mi's and Charlie's relatives highly disapprove of their relationship, particularly when they found out about each other respective career.

Charlie, within the fashion industry.

Mun Mi in the world of martial arts.

The traditional men didn't care about the large source of income of the Everhart, rather saw it as a feminine career.

Despite the wealth and glory running within the Young's household. Charlie's parents and relatives disapprove of the older fist-first-talk-later woman.

In the end, the 28 years old Mun Mi Young and the 24 years old Charlie Everhart married with or without their relatives' approval.

And within two years, Liam Everhart was born.

And within two years, Liam Everhart was born

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