IX. Shaddy Promotion

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Vivian's POV:

Quickly, I ran towards my assigned desk and rummaged through it for the phone. When I saw a black phone, I swipe across the screen and speed dial number one.

"Hello, this is Moonbucks. How may I help you?"

"Hi. My name is Vivian, and I'm the new inter- I mean assistant of Ms.Baker. I want to or-"

"The coffee is coming right up," he cut me off. "Come downstairs and pick it up right now." The call ends.

I immediately ran out the door, hearing Becca yelling one of the many nicknames she grants me. Mentally, I was crying and wondering what I got myself into.

Scrambling in the coffee room, my feet were in pain because of the heels. I heaved shallow breaths, feeling everyone's curious stares. "I'm the new intern/assistant of Ms.Bake-" The guy turns around, and I gasp, realizing it was one of my upstairs neighbors, "You."

He smiles, "Oh, hello there, mama."

If my cheeks weren't already burning, it would've been by his nickname, "I'm no- oh, nevermind. Where's the coffee."

He places it in the air before sliding it towards me. "Good luck Vivian."

I held the warm cup of coffee. "Something tells me I'm not the first intern/assistant of Ms.Baker."

He scratches his head, twisting his lip ever so slightly. "Try third...this month."

My legs turn into jello. "Is that why everyone dismisses me so early?"

He nods, placing the cup of water down. "Again, good luck downstairs, neighbor."

I glance down at his nametag. "Thanks...Cason?"

Cason leans forward. "You might want to go upstairs before she throws the cup at you." I laughed. "That wasn't a joke."

Realizing he was completely serious, I ran out of the shop and towards the elevator. When I reached my floor, I ran towards Becca's office, not missing the sorrowful looks. I place the coffee and water down. "Here you go, Mrs.Baker."

She never once looks up from her screen. "Hm." I stood there, fiddling with my fingers. "Your presence is giving me a headache."

"Oh. Excuse me," I said, walking out of the door. I glance around, seeing everyone in their own zone.

Hesitantly, I sat down on what I assumed to be my desk before someone walks up and places a stack of paper down. "Check this and give it to Ms.Baker."

Quickly, I grasp his sleeve. "I'm the new intern or assistant. I'm not sure what I am, and I am confused. What do you want me to do with these papers?"

"Check it."


"For what not to give Ms.Baker," he said, giving me a dumb look like I'm supposed to know what to do on my first hour of work. He brushes my fabulous hands-off and walks away. Excellent instructions. Great teamwork. Sarcasm.

Tucking a strand of hair back, I open one of the folders to see a bunch of confusing papers. "Okay, thanks for your help, everyone. Nice to meet you too," I said to myself before opening the laptop and figuring out what the fuck is going on.

Cracking it open, I saw a sticky note that says - Give up on your dreams and get out - along with the password for laptop access.

Punching in the password and ignoring the strong warning, the screen pops up. There were a few files on the left-hand corner, and I double clicked it to see a bunch of instructions. The guidelines say I'm supposed to look through each folder and shred what I find as crappy designs.

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