Hello Again~

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What's up?! :) It's me, the author.
Wow. I finished my second book.
I didn't think that would actually happen, but it did??
Now that I'm here, I just want to thank everyone that has read these stories and has supported me on this series
(I'm lookin at you Tuli99 )!
It's you guys that made me find the determination to keep writing and make my characters come to life.
So from the very bottom of my heart-which I'm surprised I have-THANK YOU!!!

Now, I'm just here to announce the official release of the next book of the series (yes, I in fact do not sleep),
~The Ghost Within~

I hope you guys will enjoy the third book since you've made your way to the very end of the second one.

Again, I cannot thank you enough for all the support and for the future support I may get.

That's it for now :)

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