Chapter 12: Memories

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I was alone in my dorm, I had lost all track of time so far but all I knew was that it was night. I was too busy writing in my diary the clue I found earlier today in the note.

Here's the thing about my diary. Normal teenagers with diaries write about crushes, boyfriends, drama, etc;

However, here I am. Writing in my diary about murders, mysteries, and clues ever since I first got to Beckwith last year. I feel like such a loser. But that's the price to pay for trying to save the school, I guess.

The real question I had was if we actually going to go back to this whole "solving mysteries." And knowing Carly and Calvin, that's going to be a hard no. I can see why they wouldn't want to get back into it, even I'm still scared about it. I mean, with what happened last time, I'm debating whether or not it's even worth it...

My eyes caught onto the magnifying glass I had hidden away high up on the bookshelf so it could be out of my stupid roommate's reach. Good thing she's not here in the room right now. But it reminded me.

It reminded me that even though what I'm doing is dangerous, I have to do it. It's in my blood for God's sake.

And just like that, without a single warning, I heard an eager knock at my door. My head snapped up towards the door and I put my diary back up, under my pillow where no one can find it but me.

I rushed over towards the door and opened it up, wondering who could possibly be at the door this late. When I opened it, I knew exactly would do that.

Carly had three DVDs of horror movies and a bowl of popcorn in her arm.

"Guess what day of the week it is?" She smirked.

I couldn't help but smile and open up the door wider for her to come him.

"I didn't think we'd still be able to this," I said, closing the door as she plopped onto my bed, taking out my laptop to put movies in.

"Yeah, well you thought wrong," She looked over to the other side of the room, "Also, looks like I came at the perfect time. Satan isn't here,"

I scoffed then walked over to my bed to sit next to her, "She's almost never in her dorm, it's weird, but a blessing,"

Carly nodded in agreement as she then took out the three movies.

"So, which one should we watch first? The Conjuring...Blair Witch...Alien..." She was looking through them, "My bets on Alien," She smiled, shoving the movie in my face.

I shrugged, "Sounds good to me."

• • •

I was clinging onto Carly's shirt with every strength I had in my weak arms. It was a long time since I've watched Alien, which meant I forgot how afraid I was of this movie.

"Jesus, Marcie. For a girl who's not scared to look into mysteries you sure are a scaredy-cat of movies," She laughed, stuffing popcorn in her mouth.

"Just...shut up..." I got out, blushing immensely as I knew her words were true.

The thing is, Carly is scared of everything when it comes to unraveling mysteries, which was evident from last year. But I haven't seen her flinch once during this entire movie.

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