Chapter 9: Red

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After a very long first day back at hell-I mean Beckwith, I walked up to the door of my room. However, just as I was about to get out my keycard to unlock it, it had opened up.

I came eye-to-eye with Carly who looked a bit disturbed. Not with me but, with whatever she saw back in there.

"I went to come visit but you weren't in your room," She shyly smiled at me, then went out of the doorway and past me saying, "Call me tonight, okay?"

I nodded and she finally walked past me and down the hallway. I opened the door to see what she was so disturbed about and there she stood. My roommate.

"Your friend's nice," Felicity smiled, turning around from the books she was putting up on this small bookshelf next to her bed.

I just nodded awkwardly then closed the door. I went over towards my bed which had all my suitcases strangely opened up and some things even unpacked.

Confused, I dropped my backpack to the floor with a troubled expression.

"Did you go through my stuff?" I asked, walking over to my bed.

"Oh...was I not supposed to?" She bit her lip innocently as I looked behind me.


Seriously, is she delusional or something? You don't just go through a strangers stuff without their permission! I could tell I was going to love my roommate already...

"Well...I mean...not really," I scoffed putting my hands in the pockets of my hoodie.

"I'm so sorry I just..." She hesitated a bit, walking over to my side of the room a bit, "I wanted to know what you were like...since we're going to be friends all," She looked up at me innocently. Her voice honeyed in an all too suspicious way.

Who the hell said we were going to be friends?!

"It's okay," I turned around and closed my suitcases back up, a little uncomfortable with her now.

As I was putting my luggage back up I noticed something.

My magnifying glass.

I reached over and grabbed the case which didn't seem opened.

Thank God she didn't touch it...or else I would've been locked up for murder by now...

I put the magnifying glass on the desk on my side of the room and noticed her staring at something from the corner of my eye. I turned around as saw her staring out the window, her eyes fixated on something as her mouth was turned up in a bit of a smirk.

I guess she felt me staring because without even looking, she opened up her mouth.

"We have a good view from here," She smiled as I walked over to the window.

I looked out at it only to see how high up we really were. I could see a bit of campus but nothing too interesting.

"Right in front of the forest," She added like she could read my mind, "I just love the woods. So deep and mysterious..."

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