Chapter 44: Escape Plan

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Nick took off his jacket as we headed inside, his very defined muscles showing through his thin dress shirt.

...Not that I was staring or anything...

I'm not a pervert.

He forced us to follow him into his classroom so faculty or students wouldn't get suspicious. Then, closing the door, he threw his jacket onto his desk in an angry manner.

We're dead...

He ran his hand through his hair to cope with his aggravation. He took a deep breath, then straightened himself up to give us all a stern glare.

"What you three did was tremendously immature and reckless. You are seniors in high school and basically adults, I would've expected much better from all of you."

We remained silent as he scolded us, but pausing to give Carly a glance.

"Except for Hatchings," He added.

"Let's gooo!" Carly smiled, holding her hand up to high five Calvin, who has his arms folded and giving her a glare.

He shook his head at her action, making her awkwardly plop her hand back to the side.

"This is no laughing matter. This is serious. You don't think I know you three are up to something? The whole school knows. Meaning you better come clean now, or you don't know how much trouble-"

"Look, we said nothing happened, alright? Leave it at that. I don't need you scolding us like we're children," I glared up at him, leaning angrily against the desk.

He shook his head, scoffing, "You are children. Maybe I wouldn't be scolding you if you knew how to act adult, but I guess you've never actually changed. You're still the same little girl with her head in the clouds, thinking you can do everything without actually giving any cares about anything at all. And do you see where that got you?!"

"Shut up," I mumbled, not sure if anyone outside of myself could hear what I said.

"Back off," Calvin warned him, unfolding his arms.

"You need a serious reality check! You're trying too hard to live up to your father's expectations. Don't you get it?! He's not apart of your life anymore. You need to get over it and grow up!"

"Shut the hell up! You don't know what you're talking about!" I leaned off the desk in rage, ready to fight. Carly and Calvin backed up, knowing exactly how I was going to get.

"No, I know exactly what I'm talking about. And you know it too. What'll it take for you to accept that fact?!!" He stepped forward towards me, making Calvin go extremely territorial.

Calvin was ready to strike Nick, I could tell. But I knew Nick wouldn't dare to let a finger on me. No matter how close he got. He had his boundaries. And so did I.

Which is why I stepped back. And backed away farther, and bolted out the door.

The last thing I heard from there was Carly telling Nick, "Nice going,"

They know me so well. How I just need to cool off from that. I guess I can be described as a very fiery person. Once an argument starts, it when I get heated up, I need time to cool the flames. Time to let go of all the ache that I carry with me so I can start over. And start to have the regret slowly seep in...

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