Chapter 47: Smartass

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After a whole day of stares from students, I needed an escape.
Not one in my room, where all the girls were to judge me.
I needed something more...remote.

Which is exactly the reason why I came to the empty football field.

Yes, it was freezing cold, but we shouldn't be expecting snow until a bit later this week. Which, I admit, I'm a bit too excited for.
And I knew Walter would be out of his mind waiting for snow.
Too bad I skipped seeing snow here during Christmas break...

But right now was great too, I guess.
I fooled with the bandages around my knuckles as the sun started going down, reminding me of the time Calvin and I watched the sunrise on my roof.
Too bad I didn't have him or Carly to enjoy this with...

Just as I thought that, I heard footsteps walking on the grass, making my head pick up in immediate suspicion.

Was someone here with me? Trying to hide from me?? Or sneak attack maybe???

I'm ready to fight whoever!!

Yeah, we know...

Very carefully I stood up, hearing the footsteps stop, this time noticing they were right beneath the metal bleachers I was on.

I then heard the sound of something popping open, making me carefully make my way toward the edge of the bleachers. Other metal clanking noises came from beneath me, and I knelt down, going to take them by surprise.

And so, I did just that.
Bending down over the edge of the bleachers and poking my head out, letting my hair hang down with it.

My eyes grew wide as I instantly recognized who it was.

Nick jumped in shock, the wine bottle and flask in hands spilling a bit.

My face stayed blank, unsure of what to make of this as he tried to recover from my surprise appearance. I could tell we were both each other's sudden presence.

"Christ...what do you want?" He held onto his chest, taking quick breaths from the scare.

I couldn't help but snicker as I have accidentally, but successfully, scared the Nicholas Parker himself.

I deserve a sticker.

I then got up, grabbed onto the metal beam beneath the bleachers, and hung down on it with my two hands, like a monkey hanging on a tree branch.

"I could ask you the that alcohol on campus, Mr. Parker?" I smirked, still hanging as I watched him glare at me.

He seemed to be pouring wine in a tiny metal flask.

Since when did he become an alcoholic?

"No...okay yes, but that's none of your business," He hid both of them behind his back.

"It's my business when you're violating number 46 in the teacher's manual which says you strictly cannot be intoxicated under school premises," I wasn't going to lie, my arms were getting tired from hanging on for so long, but I was just gonna wait until I slip.

"Okay, one, I'm not intoxicated...yet. And two," He scrunched his eyebrows in confusion as he took both of the objects back out, "You actually read that stuff?"

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