Chapter 14: A Favor

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I looked outside the window that was right next to me while I was in class. I couldn't help but pay attention to all the rain that was coming down and patting on the window. My reflection vaguely showing in it as my eyes narrowed, unable to help the thoughts of what happened last night...

Before I could think any deeper, a paper was slammed onto my desk as I jumped in a quick shock.

I looked up only to see Ni-Mr. Parker giving me a smirk as I could tell he was amused by my shocked expression.

"Glad that got your attention," He said, since I obviously dozed off, "Hope you're smarter than what you seem..." He added, handing out more papers to people behind me.

In confusion, I turned over the paper that only revealed...a quiz.

I looked back up at him as he made his way back to the front of the room and shot him a smirk, clicking my pen. I was all too prepared for this quiz, although...I don't think I can say the same for Carly, who shot him her "Are you kidding me?!" look.

•              •              •

"So I was thinking, after school, if you wanted to go hang out. I don't know about you but I just wanna get out of these gates," Carly grinned, slipping on her backpack.

I put mine on as well and sighed, "Sure, where to?"

We started walking out of the classroom as Carly began to put on her thinking face.

"Hmmm, I was thinking we could maybe go to-"

"Winters," An achingly familiar voice called for me.

That honeyed voice that I will now forever relate to the devil with. The voice that neatly sent the hairs on my neck to stand up and made me want to stuff myself in a locker just to avoid.

I turned around, my face frozen and blank as I was wondering all the possibilities she could possibly want from me.

Felicity leaned off the locker with a smirk and started walking towards me.

"I need to talk to you," She said swiftly, grabbing my hand and taking me away from Carly without even a warning.

"Uh...see you later! ...I guess..." I heard Carly call out from behind me.

I didn't have a chance to say it back or even look back at her. I should've swiped away when I had the chance...

Felicity took me over to some lockers where no one was around and I instantly snatched my wrist back. I rubbed it since it hurt from all the tugging she did to it, so I gave her my confused and pissed look. Something I give out to only truly shitty human beings.

"What do you want?" I asked a bit harshly, already annoyed by her presence to the point I want to fall through the floor.

She flipped her hair out of her face and looked me dead in the eyes, her chocolate brown eyes up to no good.

"I know you snuck out last night,"

My eyes widened and I could feel a sweat coming on soon. I choked up inside not sure on what to do or say.

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