Chapter 7: Bully

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Lunch rolled around fairly quickly and I made my way towards the cafeteria. But I was taking forever as thoughts were rolling in my head. It wasn't one particular thing either it was mainly a bunch of things combined.

Like my class, and New Beckwith, and my family, and Nick...and-

Before I could finish my thoughts, I felt someone bump their shoulder into mine as the walked past me. Basically, they shoulder checked me. Which is one of the most rudest things you can do to a person when walking past them, and if they don't apologize it obviously means they want to fight.

And I'm not one to mess with when it comes to fight. I may not be the most muscular person, but I do have a hot head, and that really gets the best of me.

I looked up from in front of me and all behold there was the brainless monkey laughing to his pet as I could tell they were making fun of me. Which is weird since I don't even talk to them or have done anything to possibly agitate him in any way.

Or maybe he's just a dick.

"Hey!" I called out, the hothead in me was not letting this slip, "Something wrong?!" I snapped.

He stopped in his tracks then turned around, and I swear I saw the smirk of the devil as he gave me a smug face.

"Nothing's wrong...except for you," He eyed me, "No one wants you here, Winters. I think it's best if you leave this place before people start getting back at you."

Trust me, bud. If I could leave this place, I would.

"...Back at me?" My eyebrows came together in confusion as I was wondering what the hell I actually did for everyone to hate me. Besides existing.

He started walking near me, his hands in the pockets of his jackets as he approached me like a predator. Me being the prey, of course. But I wouldn't let that get to his head. There's no way I'm putting up with being the prey.

"So you didn't find out?" He scoffed, he was then face to face with me as I backed up a bit towards the lockers, "You ruined Tox Day for us..." He leaned into my ear threateningly as my fists clenched into tight balls.

"And no one ruins our fun..."

Just then the announcements came on as I was just about to punch him.

"Faculty and students, please report to the gym for an assembly. Thank you." The lady on the speakers said.

As he seemed a bit confused by the sudden  with his head was focused onto one of the speakers in the hallway, I quickly pushed him away from me and dashed down the hall. Not daring once to look back.

What was that all about?!

I was freaking out in my mind.

This is psychotic. This school is psychotic. But it's not like anyone will believe me...

I quickly made my way to the gym and ignored the fact I've actually never been in here since I didn't take P.E. last year. This year I don't think I'll get a pass on that since I now have to take the class. Just another thing to add to the many reasons why this year is going to suck.

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