Chapter 55: The Power Within

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I felt myself hit the hard tile floor of the stairs, tumbling onto them and quickly picking myself up.

Shaking off the impact of what happened, I realized I had successfully dodged Vivian's blast so closely. But I had no time to praise myself, I had to get away from her. I quickly shoved myself up more of the steps as she roared in anger from missing, the blasts now coming at me from the bottom of the steps.

I felt my entire body start to shake and carry itself down the halls of the third floor. I ran faster and faster, death chasing right behind me. But it wasn't like I didn't know where I was going, I knew exactly where I was going. I was merely leading right where I wanted to.

"Just let me kill you already!!! You have to die!!!!" She was literally soaring down the halls, her power and energy being the thing to carry her, pushing her forward, closer and closer to me.

I soon saw it. The doors. The doors that led to nowhere. The ones I almost fell down while chasing what I thought was the spirit of Vivian.

The one that she led me to from the beginning, the ones that I'm now leading her to for her ultimate demise.

As she was right on my tail, I knew just what to do.
I held my arms out in front of me, pushing the doors open. From right behind me, she went to tackle me, pushing me forward and out of the doors. We both fell.
She was on top of me as we were now falling from three flights, right into the open night air.
Once again, it felt like everything was going into slow motion again.

I looked into her lifeless and furiously red eyes, ones that are just as deep as the very pits of hell. Closer and closer we fell towards the ground, I looked away from her and towards the front of Beckwith where we falling.
Everyone was gone, even the police officers.
They all evacuated.

Everyone...but three people...

As I reached closer and closer to hitting the ground, I started falling right in front of them. My head turning to the side as everything remained in slow-motion. They all looked terrified, but I only made eye contact with one of them.
Looking into his icy blue eyes, Nick was absolutely broken watching me as I fell. His was still now, stopping from fighting Calvin who was still holding him back. It was almost calming for me to look at him, it was like he reminded the reason why I was doing this. It was his eyes, that made me realize I loved him. I never stopped.

And now, deep within me, I knew how to unlock my power. I was the key the whole time.

I slowly closed my eyes, ready for the power to overtake me.

And it did.

Just as I was about to hit the ground, I let the power consume me completely, and I was no longer in control.

A wave of blue flash lit up in me, surrounding my entire being. I was now in my full state of complete power, I pushed Vivian off of me. Soaring upwards.
It felt as if I was possessed, not in control of myself anymore, my spirit now ready to take on the power that Vivian had. Ready to end this.

Vivian's body flew back, hitting the ground from the impact of me becoming my full spirit.
Her eyes opened wide as she saw me now.

She then roared out in rage, levitating back up and crashing into me. I now had the power to resist her, so I did. She threw waves of energy at me, but they did nothing.
It was our powers against each other.
Her and me.
I threw my arms out at her, blue energy blasts emanating from me and pouring onto her.

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