Chapter 18: Change of Plans

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We exited the diner and I waved goodbye to the nice waitress in there. Calvin opened the door for me and I could already feel the weather outside had gotten cooler.

"We should've danced in there," Calvin laughed.

I just rolled my eyes and scoffed, "Yeah right, you know how I feel about that...I'm still not forgiving you for what happened last time we danced,"

"Sure," He said, grabbing my hand gently, and then spinning me around, recreating the time from when he spun me at the masquerade.

Except, this time it was in the middle of an empty parking lot at night.
I started laughing, embarrassed. He really did know how to get to me. Even though I was agitated, I smiled. I guess that's just many of the weird things that only he could get from me.

I held his hand and we started walking back to his car when, once again, it was like having a wrestling match with my skirt. I started tackling it so that the wind wouldn't keep trying to reveal what was under it.
Carly was right...

It wasn't until I used both hands to finally make it stop flying up that two more hands pushed down the dress as well.

I felt my face flush immediately. Calvin, without a word, got from behind me to help my dress stay down by using his hands to help me out. He was achingly close to me to the point I could feel his breath in my collar bone, making me even more uncomfortable.

"You didn't need to wear something like this to impress me, you know. I would've been fine with you in your old hoodies."

A smile crept up my face as I knew my delicate, pale face must've been covered with a pink or-even worse-a red toned blush. I hated that about me. How obvious someone could tell my emotions, especially since I seem to blush at everything.

Wow. Even my existence is mediocre.

He then backed away from me, leaving me a blushing mess. Before I could even say a word, or even once again have to snap myself back to reality, my phone starts ringing.

Confused at who in the actual hell would be calling me at this time, I pulled out my phone from the pocket of the jacket. When I flipped it up, the name on the screen only to show up as Carly.

I quickly answered wondering what she could want.

"Carly?" I answered, still confused.

"Ugh, what does she want can't she see we're-" Calvin started, but I cut him off by holding up a finger to see what she had to say.

"Marcie! This is urgent, I need you to get back to Beckwith now." She demanded sternly.

Whatever it was, it sounded urgent.

"Why? What happened??" I responded with urgency, my mind racing to the endless possibilities.

Calvin seemed just as eager as I was now because of my response. He knew this wasn't just some annoying Carly purposely bugging us.

"I think I found something...I stumbled across it and...and..."

"Okay, calm down, I'm on my way now." I assured her.

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