Chapter 5: Off to a Bad Start

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Calvin and I watched Carly with dead eyes as she was desperately trying hard to open the new glass front door to the main building. She's been trying desperately to get it open for the past minute and a half now and it still wouldn't budge.

"Ughhhh! This door is broken or something! Amazing how they managed to refurbish this whole place but not get good doors!" She grunted out, pushing her back against it desperately to open it.

"Hold on, let me try," I sighed as I glanced away from my wristwatch and pushing Carly to the side.

Carly folded her arms, finally backing away from the door.

"Fine. You try. But I think you're going to have a pretty rough time getting it-" She started, but just as I put my hand on the door, I looked at the handle and pulled it open.

"...Okay, how in the actual-" She started.

"Gee, Carly, maybe you should've looked at the damn PULL SIGN ON THE DOOR!" Calvin was referring to the sticker that was next to the handle that read "pull."

I smirked, holding the door open for both Carly and Calvin.

Carly looked at Calvin then at the door, then at Calvin again.

"What the...I didn't..." She was in disbelief as both she and Calvin walked in.

Then I guess I was next in line for disbelief since the inside of this place seemed to be a whole lot bigger and fancier than ever. And by fancy I mean modern as hell. The walls and ceiling were completely made out of marble and the floor seemed so shiny and white you could probably eat food off of the ground.

"Wow...Beckwith got a nice glow up..." Calvin muttered to me as I nodded in agreement.

"I feel like I'm in Disney World!" Carly smiled, catching up with us.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion at her.

"I-if Disney World was a satanic murder building full of secrets..." She laughed awkwardly.

I just smiled, looking away from her and towards the desk in the big room we were in.

I narrowed my eyes at the person at the desk. There was no longer a mean old lady there, but a young girl with light brown hair up in a tight ponytail who seemed to be smiling a little too much.

Carly, Calvin and I soon approached the desk that no longer went all the way up to my chin but was actually leveled down to my waist like a normal desk.

"Hi! Welcome to Beckwith Academy! May I have your name please?" The woman smiled widely at me.

"Uh...Marceline Winters," I hesitated, taken back by her suspicious amount of unnecessary happiness.

"Great! Glad to have you back, Marceline," She looked at my name through the very high-tech computers. I gave her a weak and awkward smile as I heard Carly from behind me try to hold back a laugh at this girl, "Your room is room 498, on your right." She smiled, handing me a card.

I nodded and took the card. Looks like they got rid of keys...I'm not surprised...

I waited at the side of the desk for Carly and Calvin while taking a close look at the keycard.
It had, in fancy letters, a 'BW' on it that was written in gold. The background of it was crimson and brown.
Which was Beckwith's colors, brown, crimson, and gold.

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