Chapter 36: Holding On

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I closed my locker, gathering all of the things in my hands.

"So you really have to be with him at all times, huh?" Calvin sighed, folding his arms as he was leaned against the locker next to me.

I could tell he didn't approve with this punishment, and frankly neither did I, but that's the joy of punishments.

"Yep," I replied, popping the 'p,' "But I'll survive it,"

He didn't look up at me, so I jokingly punched him in the arm.

"We'll still hang out, though, right?" I smiled at him, getting his attention.

He didn't answer me, instead, he started touching the ends of my red hair. I stared at him, confused by his action, but let him.

"Marcie-" He started, but got cut off from someone's voice behind us.

And this time, it wasn't Felicity.

"Marceline?" The voice asked, making me turn my head.

This kid looked a little younger than me, his face was very familiar as he approached me.

"Yeah," I turned away from Calvin, confirming that it was me.

"You were the girl that visited my mom, right?" He asked.

I put the pieces together, realizing he must be Eleanor's son. I remember from the pictures I looked at.

I nodded, interested in what he had to say.

He pulled something out of his backpack that was wrapped up in this brown paper bag, thin rope keeping it in place.

"She wanted me to give this to you, I'm not sure what it is but..." He handed it to me and I hesitantly took it, the possibilities of what it could be, endless.

"Thanks..." I replied, confused about what was going on.

He nodded then started walking away, leaving me to examine it.

"Oh yeah," The boy said, stopping himself and turning back around to me.

"She also said something about...a butterfly?" He seemed confused by his own words, but my face went blank as I knew exactly what he meant.

"She said that...the butterflies will show you the way."

I remained silent taken back on how she knew. How she knew about the butterflies...
But what did she mean when she said they will show me the way...?

I guess I looked genuinely confused by what he said since he just shrugged, "You probably should just ignore, she gets weird sometimes,"

I definitely wasn't going to just ignore that. Even if I wanted to...

"See you around," Was all he said before walking away.

"See ya..." I muttered, knowing he wouldn't here me.

I just stood still, so many thoughts running in my head now that this happened. I looked back at the wrapped object, going to open, but Calvin grabbed my head before I could.

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