Chapter 35: Tutor

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The next morning the three of us were called to the principal's office while in class. I didn't hesitate to go, I grabbed my stuff and quickly went, actually eager to get there.

Eager because this time I could confront her about this, and there's nothing she can do to deny this. Because I have proof. Because I know what's going on behind curtains.

I got escorted by one of the security guards into her office, which is not needed. It's not like I'm gonna run away...maybe...

He opened the double doors to the office for me, Carly and Calvin sitting in two chairs, leaving the one in the middle for me as they watched me enter.

I had my jacket taken off, carrying it in one of my arms. And when my jacket's off, I mean business.

"Please sit down, Miss Winters," The principal sternly told me.

I narrowed my eyes at her, throwing my hoodie on the chair and slamming into my seat. The rude gesture made her sit up more in her seat, knowing I was going to be a difficult one to handle.


"I think you understand why you're all in here,"  Her voice was clear, looking down on all of us.

"But what I wanna know is, why. Why did you sneak past hours, hack into the school's security system, break into the main building, sneak past our security, and break into the security camera room? What is your exact goal here?"

All of us remained silent, not even taking a single breath.

"And don't think I don't know about the other times as well. With these types of actions, I should expel all three of you instantly," She narrowed her eyes, her voice only getting sterner.

You don't have the balls...

She leaned back in her seat, giving us a look once more, "But I'm not,"

I scoffed, a smirk forming on my face and I leaned my head back against the chair.

"You find this funny, Miss Winters?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Yes, actually. I find it hilarious," I replied, looking back at her, her expression blank by the surprising answer from me.

"I find it hilarious that you think you can control us like this. I find it hilarious that you think you can keep on keeping all these secrets and evidence away from us. Covering it up with your academic records and new buildings." I stood up from my seat, walking over to her desk.

"Well, I know what you're hiding. I know what's going on, and I'm not too far away until I finally end this all." I looked her dead in the eyes, leaning towards her as I slammed my hands on her desk, "And I'm willing to risk whatever it takes to do what I need to,"

Her eyebrows were knitted together as if she had no idea what I was talking about. But I'm not falling for a mask like that, she knows damn well what I'm talking about.

"Miss Winters, you better sit back down in your seat before I get security to force you to." She demanded, not flinching even a little.

I gave her one last look, just to test her, then sat back down, folding my arms angrily.

Calvin and Carly looked at me as if they couldn't believe what they saw. I went full-on Marceline Winters on her, showing what I've been holding back all this.

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