An Apology !!

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Hello~~ I just wanted to apologize for the wait I've been working on a project for this series recently!! I know these apologies are getting old, but I think I found a way to make it up to you guys from now on :)

So, I'd like to introduce you to The Secrets Within as Indirect Quotes ;) (hope you enjoy!) :

Calvin: Move out the way, I'm claustrophobic...
Carly: What does that mean?
Marcie, sarcastically: It means he's afraid of Santa Claus
Carly: HO! HO! HO!

Carly: Is mayonnaise an instrument?
Calvin: ...No, Carly...mayonnaise is not an instrument...
Carly: ...
Carly: Is-
Calvin: Mustard isn't an instrument either...

*Phone rings*
Calvin: Wassup?
One of the Hoods: ...I see you...
Calvin: Do I look good?

Marcie: When I was a kid, I lived my life to the fullest. I was seen as above average and smart so I worked hard into everything I did to live up to my father's expectations.
Carly: When I was a kid I tried to plant a taco.
Carly: I was trying to make a taco tree.
Marcie: ...
Carly: I'm still waiting for my taco.

Calvin: Oh crap, we lost Marcie, where is she?
Carly: Dont worry, I got this,
Marcie: wHERE
Carly: Found her.

Waiter: So what will you guys have?
Marcie: Can I get a milkshake with two straws please?
Calvin: Awwww that's kinda cute-
Marcie, puts both straws in her mouth: Yo, look how fast I can drink this

Carly, pulling the curtains while Calvin's in the shower: Hey are we-stop screaming it's me-are we out of milk?

Marcie: I'm kind of cold...
Nick: Here, take my jacket
Carly: I'm cold too!
Calvin: Well damn Carly, I cant control the weather

Nick: I never thought I'd ever get the chance to give you this. Good job.
Marcie: You're giving me a sticker?
Nick: It's not just any sticker, it says "Pawsome!" with a cat on it.
Marcie: I'm not a kindergartner!
Nick: Fine then, I'll just take it back.
Marcie: Hey! I earned this, back off!

Carly's stomach: *Growls*
Carly: *Growls back at stomach*
Marcie: Why are we friends?

Carly: Truth or dare?
Calvin: Dare.
Carly: I dare you to kiss the next person that walks in this room.
Calvin: What?? No! That's just stupid there's no way in hell I'm doing that.
Marcie, walking in: Hey guys, what's up?
Calvin: I mean-fine, I'll do it. Pfft, rules are rules, you know?

Carly: Oh my God, Marcie! There's a monster under my bed and it's hideous!!
Calvin, at the bottom bunk: Why are you like this?

Carly: You were soooo drunk last night
Calvin: Oh come on, I wasn't that drunk
Carly: You asked Marcie if she was single!
Calvin: ...Ok? That's not too bad-
Marcie: We're dATING

Nick: I think we lost Calvin...
Marcie: Hold on,
Carly: There he is...

Carly: Wait! What am I gonna do while you're gone?!
Marcie: I dunno, what do you usually do when I'm gone?
Carly, voice cracking: Wait for you to get back...

Carly: Here you go, Calvin. A nice, warm cup of coffee.
Calvin: It's cold.
Carly: A nice cup of coffee.
Calvin: It's horrible.
Carly: A cup of coffee.
Calvin: I'm not sure if this is even coffee...
Carly: A cup.

Calvin: Hey, I heard you like bad boys
Marcie: ...Not really
Calvin: Ok thank god

Marcie: Wait, I think we lost Carly!
Calvin: Finally.

Calvin: I'm Dirty Dan!
Carly: No, I'm Dirty Dan!
Calvin: What makes you think you can be Dirty Dan?!
Carly: I'm dirty. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Marcie: That's crazy, Calvin doesn't have a crush on me!
Literally everyone: Yes, he does
Calvin: Yes I do.

Carly, as a 911 operator: 911 what's your emergency?
Marcie: Help! My friend is dying in my living room!
Carly, trying not to laugh: Then I guess it's not a living room anymore...

Calvin: Yo, you were soooo drunk last night!
Carly: Okay, I wasn't THAT drunk
Calvin: You were literally cutting pineapples while yelling: "SPONGEBOB I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE"
Calvin: Okay, to be honest that's pretty normal for you

Marcie: You're smiling, did something good happen?
Calvin: Can't I just smile because I feel like it?
Nick: Carly tripped and fell in the parking lot

Carly: Hey guys, guess what number I'm thinking of!
Calvin: 420
Carly: No, and that was very immature of you. Someone else guess and please take it seriously.
Marcie: 69
Carly: Yeah, it was 69

Carly: I need an adult...
Nick: I'm an adult
Carly: I need a different adult...

Carly: *Smiles*
Calvin: Can you not
Marcie: Calvin! Be nice...
Felicity: *Breathes*

Marcie: Lets play would you rather!
Marcie: Would you rather die or-
Calvin: Die
Marcie: But I haven't finished yet-
Calvin: Die

Marcie: Hey Carly, I'm kind of scared of the dark...
Carly: Dont worry, I got you
Carly: *Stomps violently on light up sneakers*

Carly: I'm quick at math
Calvin: Okay, what's 95 x 28?
Carly: 37
Calvin: That's not even close
Carly: But it was quick.

Marcie: I love when people are like, "If your friends jumped off of a bridge, would you jump off too?"
Marcie: Like, I'd jump off of a bridge for fun.
Marcie: I hate myself.

Carly: As a student, my two favorite words are "free" and "cancelled"
Nick: Free food has been cancelled
Carly: Why would you even say something like that?!

Ok, hope you enjoyed whatever the hell this was lol! I'll update the next chapter really soon for you guys!

Love you and bye! <3

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