Chapter 21: I Regret Nothing

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We quickly made our way down some steps and finally out the front door. Safe.

Carly and Calvin both stopped for a quick second, just to take both a breath of relief and breath from all the running that just happened. And to think next semester I have to take P.E...

However, I continued edging them on to keep running.

"Come on, let's get outta here!" I started tugging on Carly's T-Shirt.

"Hold on, Winters...we're not all as in shape as you are..." She said in between her breaths.

"Yeah, what's the big deal?! We made it out alive, right? And we're right by the dorms so they can't catch up with us now!" Calvin added on.

"Just...this place is giving me the creeps...let's just go...please?" I bugged them.

Carly and Calvin gave each other a glance then nodded. We all then started quickly making our way back to the dorms when suddenly I stopped.

"What is it now? First, you're reluctant to leave the place, then you're making us rush to get back, and now you're stopping again! What's up with y-" Carly started to nag, but I cut her off.

Not by my own words, but what I had just done.

I took some things out of Calvin's jacket, and plopped them on the parking lot ground beneath us. Showing off what I had just done.

" took the files?!!" Carly's eyes widened at the two files I had managed to sneak out of there.

One being Audrey's and the other one...being mine...

I couldn't help but go back at quickly taking it behind Carly and Calvin's back. I know that inconsiderate of me and I should be ashamed with myself for risking all of our lives for some file but...I'm not.

My name was in the "Student Medical Files" so, unless there was a misplacement of my file I have no idea why it would be there. I needed to grab it.

" risked our lives...for some stupid file?!" Calvin narrowed his eyes at me, one of his fist balling in anger.

"I know, I know, I should be disgusted with myself. But, I need to know why my name is on that file! Plus, I got Calloway's file as well, making us a little bit closer in this investigation," I winked at him.

He just sighed and shook his head, "You're lucky I have a soft spot for you..." He said under his breath.

"Wait, investigation? You mean...the gang's back?!" Carly slowly started to smile widely.

I tried not to cringe at her words but I gave in and nodded.

She then started smiling to the point where her dimples showed and she jumped up happily in the air.

"Hell yeah!" She grabbed us all in for a group hug.

Which, is a bit brave. Calvin and I aren't really that lenient on other people touching us. But this is Carly, so...we'll give her a pass...

"We're back! The Mystery Gang is back, baby!"

"Please don't ever use that term again, I have a pocket knife with me," Calvin threatened her as she let go of us so we could all continue walking back to our dorms.

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