Chapter 30: Answers

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I carried the file tightly in my hands as I stared intently out of the window.
I was mostly sulking, but also looking for answers.

"Are you sure you wanna keep that file with you? I doesn't seem ideal to-"

"I'm sure, Carly. I'm keeping this with me at all times." I narrowed my eyes as I gripped even tighter onto it.

Carly just pursed her lips and nod, then continued to lean back in the backseat. I looked down at my files, only leading me to have my mind race even more. I was for sure going to have a huge migraine later.

"Uhhhh...I think this might be it," Calvin sighed out, pulling up to this seemingly nice and clean apartment building.

"Well this is an upgrade from that other crackhead house we went to last year..." Carly muttered while looking out the window.

"Great. Now let's go." I instantly demanded, unbuckling my seatbelt and opening the car door.

"Woah, woah, woah," Calvin stopped me, grabbing my arm before I could actually step out.

"What is it now?" I snapped, pulling my arm away from him.

He seemed a bit taken back by my suddenly rude gesture, but ignored it.

"I just want you to re-evaluate your options here. I mean there are multiple people you can go to for stuff like this, do you really think some kind of 'voodoo witch doctor' or-"

"Her name's Eleanor and she's a psychic," I cut him off.

"Yeah, whatever. What I'm saying is, don't you think you should find a more I don't know...valid source?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "What're you saying?"

He rolled his eyes, "I'm saying that this is stupid and sketchy and that we should've under no circumstances went to see some 'psychic' that'll-hey where are you going?! Get back over-Carly not you too!"

"Do you think she can actually like, see into my future and into my soul, to know my true desires and shit?!" Carly asked me with wide eyes as we started walking over to the building.

"I don't know, I just need answers," I replied vaguely, walking over towards the building determinedly.

The real reason I went to see her first was because of what she said to me back at the luncheon. About how she could feel something about me...something unexplainable.

I know, it's ridiculous. I don't think this will actually work, but what I've realized recently it's that I don't shit. Even about myself. So I'm taking all I can get, and something tells me she'll have some answers. Which is all I'm looking for right now.

I soon heard Calvin catch up from behind us as he let out a grunt in frustration.

"I hate you both..." He sighed out, annoyed.

"Glad you could join us," Carly smirked, stepping on her tippy toes so she could use his shoulder as an armrest.

"Wasn't like I had much of a choice..." He mumbled, sliding his hands into the pockets of his jacket as I knocked on the door.

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