Chapter 2: A Visit

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I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket.

Who the hell is calling me?

Not checking who it was that was calling me out of sheer laziness, I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I asked in a dead tone.

"Did you see the news??" A familiar voice asked me urgently.

It was Calvin.

I saw up in my bed a bit more.

"...I think so...this is about know..."

It's like I can barely force myself to say the word "Beckwith" anymore. That's how much it left a scar on my life...on all of our lives...

"Yes! Can you believe this shit?!"

I just shook my head even though I know he couldn't see me do it.

"Are you re-enrolling?" I asked, knowing it was a stupid question.

"I would trade my arms if it means not going back to that place..."

I just sighed.

Was Beckwith really that determined on restarting?

I then heard a knock at my door.

"Marcie!" It was my mom.

"Hold on, my mom's knocking on my door..."

"Your mom knocks?"

I scoffed at that.

"I'll try and call you later, bye!"

With that I ended the call and went to go open my door.

"Yeah?" I wondered leaning against the doorway.

She was either going to try and re-kindle me and make up from our semi-fight earlier or scold me and nag on for the next 30 minutes.

"There's a present for you, downstairs," She smiled.

I lifted an eyebrow.


Today was a weird day for me so far. First weird dreams, random calls, awful news, and now this?

I walked downstairs with mom who seemed to have a bit of a smile on her face. When we got downstairs, I saw Walter sitting down up close to the TV as he seemed invested in it completely. I think being that close up to the TV will hurt your eyes, though.

What ever happened to riding bikes outside?

Mom led me into the kitchen where there were stacks of letters on the table that were a bit scattered.

"I was checking the mail today, and look what I found!"

I went up towards the table and picked up the letter with a familiar red stamp on it.

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