Chapter 34: Busted

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Calvin set his computer down at what we made out as a desk. Carly shined the flashlight around the dim room and towards the desk.

"Why are there so many TV's?" She wondered, showing the number of screens there were on the desk and above it.

Just then, Calvin clicked a few buttons on his laptop, turning the once turned off screens to light up, each one of them, showing a different room. And that wasn't even enough, there were still some screens that cut to even more rooms.

"That's why," Calvin breathed out, answering her question.

I gulped silently, looking at all the screens.

"Is it weird that most of these rooms I've never even seen here?" I wondered, the answer being obvious.

"It's Beckwith. The equivalent of weird has no limit anymore," Calvin answering another question.

He was on a roll today.

I shook my head, "This isn't Beckwith. This is a cover-up. All of this. It's like a mask. Like a mask covering scars on a face."

"Yeah, whatever, let's just get this over with," Carly shuddered, going over towards some of the boxes on the side of the rooms while Calvin kept watch of screens.

I kept watch of Carly, walking over to her and shined her light on the boxes.

"I think I found some of the cassettes," She stated swiping off the dirt as some of them had to be super old.

"Some of these date back to the '80s...gross..." She held up some dusty cassettes to me.

l swiped one from her hands examining it, "They've been watching people forever, and I'm afraid before even security cameras were a thing," I sighed, the thought making me cringe a bit.

"Including our own rooms," Calvin grimaced, looking at the screen on his computer.

I walked over to him to see what exactly he was looking at. I saw that he had hacked his way into the school's security camera's drive, now able to see all the recent data labeled in files. And some of them were, in fact, dorm rooms, the numbers of each one used as labels.
I felt utterly helpless when I saw that. That's so wrong on so many levels.

They weren't kidding when they said they see all...

Calvin scrolled, finding mine and clicking on it. All that showed up was black with only a hint of red. Nothing there.

"What's wrong?" I wondered hesitantly, leaving closer in confusion.

"I don't know...the security camera shows that it should be active." Calvin seemed just as confused as I was.

"Maybe if you-" I started, pressing rewind, going all the way back to the beginning, the camera now showing my dorm room.

Calvin and I looked closely at what was going on, the room empty. Then, the door opened, Felicity walking in. The room was eerily quiet, the two of us watching intently as she was supposed to be in class the time this was shot. She walked over to her bed, taking something small out of her purse then throwing it on the bed. Soon, looking directly at the camera that was located on her side of the room, the bottom left corner it looked like.

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