The Battle (Part 1) (24)

Start from the beginning

      Lizzie fights not just for love, integrity and friendship. But she fights for the forgiveness she has for her parents, no matter what horrible things they did to her, she can’t help but love them. Even if they don’t feel the same.

      And me? I fight so that one day, like 10 years in the future, I can lay at home watching a movie on the sofa as I wait for the love of my life to return. And for the moment when I hear her key in our house door it still makes my heart skip a beat. When she welcomes me home with a “I’m home beautiful wife” and I reply “I’ve missed you my gorgeous wife.”

      My mind focused on that future.

      I focused that energy and I fought for that life.

      Shifting the earth I propelled myself to another area of the battlefield and as I landed I slashed my sword through the dark angel that held Chloe to the ground.

      As he fell I pulled Chloe to her feet, giving her a small smile, only to then charge off to another section of the battle. Slashing and using the elements to my advantage.

      The warriors who charged towards me became less and less once they had witnessed my power. All I worked on now was protecting my friends. It’s what I wanted to do and that was my main objective.

      I looked around me, my eyes pinpointing where I was needed and who was in need of me.

      Bending water, I snaked it up around my arm. Dead ahead I watched as Lizzie battled six vampires at once. Her power leaked from every pore on her body, but it just didn’t seem to be enough to knock them down.

      Smiling to myself I whipped the water around a blonde male and pulled him back, cutting off his oxygen supply with the tightening of the water. It knocked him out instantly, with a little help from Suzie and some paralysis dust.

      Going for another whip I watched with awe as Eliza propelled herself at the final four vampires, ripping them limp from limb.

      Lizzie was protected and I was indeed thankful. Eliza looked up at me, blood of the vampires dripping from her snout, and nodded to me as if to say ‘I’ll keep her safe, now keep your love the same’.

      Nodding back, I ploughed through the battle grounds looking for Jasmine. My friends were safe and were protecting the ones they love; now it was my turn to do the same. It had been too long since I had done something for Jasmine, and she didn’t deserve that love. I feel it in my bones, the intensity of the love I have for her. Now it is time that I pay the debt that she deserves.

      “Jasmine!” I called, as I slashed through a trolls body, hardly caring as the blood smeared over my clothing.

      Turning around I scanned through the battle, searching for that familiar face. That’s when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I smiled smugly to myself.

       Reached around, grabbing the wrist on my shoulder, and used my body weight to flip my opponent over my body and to the ground. Just as I was raising my sword my eyes caught theirs, and the familiarity washed over me.

      Jumping to her feet she span me around and placed her back against mine. “Keep your eyes open muppet, I do not want to loose you just I got you.”

      I smiled softly “Like wise, so if you plan on doing anything stupid and get so much as a scratch on that beautiful face, I will personally kick your arss and make sure that you are by my side for fucking ever!” I joked, although I was serious about pretty much all of it.

      Her hand softly brushed against mine in a calming motion “I promise Abi, to your left.”

      Removing my hand from hers, I created a large fireball with my hands and melted the ice creature before me. “Jasmine,” I half whispered “I know you can’t tell me about what was going on, but please.”

      I turned her around, still making sure that I had her back and she had mine. “Please come back to me. I know that I broke your heart when I left, and I know there is no way I can make it up to you, but if we make it through this I promise to spend the rest of my life with you and you alone.”

      Jasmine smiled “I promise, except next time remember something….”

      “What?” I half grunted as I propelled a werewolf 50 feet in the opposite direction to us.

      She kissed me quickly and turned to leave “Next time you propose to me, make sure you have a ring with you to make it more official!”

      I watched as she sped through the battle, towards the mountainside. It was clear that what had to happen for a reason. No matter what I would make sure she stayed safe.

      Slashing through monster after monster I continuously looked to the mountainside.

      Only 15 minutes had passed when I saw something I didn’t expect to see. A fast moving figure charging towards the mountain.

      I didn’t know who or what it was until the moment it stopped and looked at me.

      Everything went in slow motion as I watched Isobella smile with gleaming blood red eyes and a golden sword in her hand. I knew it that moment what everyone had been talking about. And in that moment my heart broke.

      Jasmine is battling Isobella to the death!

ok guys! I love you all for putting up with my long delays! I have had so many A-Level work to do it's ridiculous! I hope to finish VOL soon, and hopefully the next couple of chapters will be up before December! I love you all for putting up with me! <3 

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