Chapter 87

268 16 53

6 months later
Mike's POV
"Mike... I've gotta tell you something." Jada nervously said to me one day. I had been gone writing with other artists for the first half of the day, and finally came home at around two or three that afternoon. Jada was living with me now and had been for about a month. I fell more and more in love with that woman the more time I spent with her. I was now a whopping 36 years old, she was 26, Chester was 27, Ryan was 28, and our baby girl, Max was 2. Time was moving so quickly for all of us and it was hard to keep up on what was going on in everyone's lives sometimes.

Anyway, she looked scared and I just knew she was about to break my heart into a million pieces. Turns out, it was the complete opposite.

"I went to the doctor earlier and... and I'm pregnant Mike." She said as her eyes filled with tears. I was stunned. Immediately I started to tear up too. "I know that this is just such bad timing with you getting back into writing and all... please don't be angry or anything." Tears fell down her face.

"Hey... hey I'm not angry. I'm happy. I'm happy, Jada. So fucking happy! We're gonna have a baby?! Holy shit we're having a baby!" I said happily when it finally set in. She smiled and wiped her eyes. I pulled her in for a tight hug and kissed her forehead.

"Holy fuck there's a baby Shinoda in here." I said, putting my hands on her stomach. She laughed and put her hands on my cheeks. He gave me a little kiss and hugged me again.

"I'm so in love with you. I'm so excited." I said. "I love you too, Mike. So much. I'm so ready to raise a baby with you." "I hope it's a little boy. I've got my baby girl, now I need a baby boy." I said. She giggled and nodded. "I wonder what Max will think. Hey, we should have a cook out here at the house and invite everyone. We can suprise everyone at the same time. Your parents are in town and everything. It's perfect Jada." I said. She nodded again. "Yeah that is perfect. I'll get a dinner going and you invite everyone." She said. "Sounds like a plan." I said. I kissed her once more. "You're gonna be such a hot mama." I said. "You're already a hot dad, so." She said. I laughed. "God I love you so much."

I was beaming with happiness. I was so excited to have another child. I was so in love with Jada and was happy that she was the mom of my new baby. I knew I wanted to make it official and marry her, but I didn't know when to propose. I didn't want her to think I was just proposing to her because she was pregnant. I wanted her to know that I'd marry her either way.

I went across the street to Chester's and told them to come over for dinner.

"Chester!" I called into the house. Max peaked over the couch and saw me. She jumped off and ran to me. "Dadddyyy!" She yelled. I chuckled and picked her up. "What?" Chester asked, coming down the stairs in just his boxers, drying his curly hair off. He must've just showered. Ryan walked into the room also from the kitchen.

"Jada and I are having a little dinner get together at the house tonight and was hoping you three would come?" I said. Chester looked at Ryan and he shrugged. "Yeah sure. We'll be there. Dude... you're like glowing." Chester said. I smiled and shrugged. "That's that post sex glow they talk about right?" Ryan said. I rolled my eyes. "You'll see why I'm glowing with complete happiness tonight. Okay? I'll see you all later. Bye baby girl. See you tonight." I said, putting Max down and kissing her head.

I left, then I called my parents, Jay and Jack, and Jada's parents. They all said they'd be there.


I wore a plaid button up with some jeans and Jada wore a simple black dress. At around seven, everyone had arrived and Jada and I were both so nervous to tell them, but so excited.

We all sat around the living room in different seats, the kids, Max and Judah, now one year old, sat on the floor while we ate. After everyone ate, Jada and I figured it was time to tell everyone.

"Okay so there's actually a reason we wanted to get you all together. We have a huge announcement!" I said. I looked to Jada and she grinned. "We're having a baby! I'm pregnant!" She said. Everyone was stunned at first but then our parents teared up and got up to give us hugs and congratulate us. "Congrats, bro!" Jay said as he hugged me roughly.

Then Chester came up to us with a big smile. "Congrats you guys! I'm so happy for you both." He said. He gave me a hug. "Thank you, Ches. I'm so ready for Max to meet her baby brother or sister. I can't wait for it to meet its amazing uncle Chazy." I said. He smiled even more and nodded. "Congrats." Ryan said awkwardly. "Thanks Ryan." I said. He nodded and looked away.

I wanted to know what his fucking problem was with me. Ever since Chester and I had gotten divorced he had been a dick to me. I planned on asking him at some point during the evening.


"Can we talk?" I asked Ryan a few hours after the announcement. Everybody was in different conversations with different people so no one really noticed. "Uh... yeah... I guess so." He said. He got up and followed me to the back porch.

"Why are you always an ass to me? I've never done anything to you." I said. "It's hard to be kind to someone who put my best friend through hell!" He said. "Everything I did in our relationship was meant to help him and us, not to hurt him." I said. "Well, you were constantly hurting him. There's a right and wrong way to help someone through their addictions and shit like that. Screaming at them or... or threatening to leave them just makes things worse, and it did! If he didn't do things your way, it pissed you off and you know that!" He said.

"I tried to be nice with him... I tried to tell him nicely that he needed to quit the drugs, but he wouldn't do it. So I had to give him an ultimatum." I said. "Yeah? And where did that land both of you? He got arrested and almost overdosed. It cost you half a mil to get him out! You just make things worse!" He said. "He told me about how he was raped and how you got frustrated with him when he didn't want to do sexual thing with you. It's not right to get frustrated at him for things like that! When he feels that way, you're supposed to comfort him. Wrap him in the blankets in bed and sing to him, hold him and tell him he's beautiful. God... he's such an angel and... and you treated him like trash." He said.

"I did not! Chester was the love of my life and I always tried to make him happy." "Maybe at first, but the way he tells it, you were a dick to him the last few years. That's why I really don't like you anymore. I'm sorry, Mike. I'll always try and be kind to you because Chester wants me to be kind to you. We're kind of stuck with eachother for life now because you're the daddy of my man's baby. Maybe in time you can really show me you're a good guy and we can be friends again." He said. He started to walk away but then stopped when he put his hand on the door knob. He turned back around.

"Oh and you know what else Chester told me?" He asked with a smirk. "Said you've got a tiny dick. Ha! Hahahaha!" He laughed as he went into the house. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

Was I really that much of an ass to Chester? I thought I was good to him for the most part?

Did I really have a tiny dick? I thought I was good sized. Jada doesn't complain, that's for sure. Chester never seemed to mind it while he was screaming my name either.

I went back into the house and saw Ryan walking out the front door. Chester and Max were saying goodbye to everyone. Then they said goodbye to me.

"Bye, Mike. I'm so excited for you and Jada. Me and your fam were just talking and what if we went on a huge trip together? My parents included. It would be so much fun to fly somewhere with the parents, spouses/partners, kids, and siblings. Just all hanging and spending time together." He said. I smiled a little. "That would be amazing, Chester. You pick the place and we'll pick a date." I said. "Well... we were all thinking Hawaii." I said. I smiled again and nodded. "Okay. Let's all fly to Hawaii one week." I said. He smiled and hugged me.

"Love you Mike." "Love you too, Ches."

Besides Ryan always being rude to me, which I guess I deserved, I was happy. I couldn't wait to go on that trip with the whole family. I couldn't wait to hold my baby in my arms.


The end is near :(. But the good new is that there will be a sequel in the future! <3

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