Chapter 37

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That next day I went to school and got even more stares than I ever had before. Everywhere I walked, there were various murmurs and snickers from people. In first period, I took my seat by Ryan and sighed.

"Sup?" He asked. "Everyone is staring at me." I said. He looked around the room and nodded. "I can see that. Want me to do something about it?" He asked. "No Ryan. It's okay. I think you've threatened them enough." I said with a little laugh. He laughed. "Well I don't want anyone saying anything about you." He said. "Thank you for being protective of me, but I think I'm okay for now." I said. He nodded.

Class went okay I guess. I had several people come up to me and ask about the award show. None of them were really rude, so it was fine. After class though, as Ryan and I were walking through the hall to our next class, some guy pushed me to the side as we were walking past him. "Fag." He said. Ryan didn't hesitate and grabbed the guy by his shirt before he could get far. He pushed him up against the wall.

"What did you say?" Ryan said. "Ryan..." I said as I pulled the grey hood in his leather jacket back before he punched the guy. "No. Stop." He said as he looked at me. "What did you fucking say?" He asked the kid again. The guy didn't say anything. Ryan just shoved him more into the wall. "Fuck with him again and see what happens." He said before letting him go. They glared at eachother for a good five seconds before the guy finally walked off.

"You didn't have to do that." I said quietly as I pulled up the sleeve of my jacket. "Did you think I was just going to let him say that to you? I fucking hate that word. He could've said anything and it would've been better than that. I mean you don't deserve to be called anything, but you know what I mean." I nodded. I wrapped my arm around his back as we were walking and gave him a little side hug. "Thanks." I said. "You're welcome. He's lucky he didn't do anything else." He said.

We made it through the rest of the day without anyone fucking with us and then I went to my house. About an hour after I got home, while I was working on homework, Mike called me.

"Hey Mike." I said when I answered. "Hello. How is King C?" He asked. "First of all, I love when you call me that." "Yeah?" "Yeah, and second of all I'm okay I guess." I said. "No you're not. I can tell you're not. What happened?" I sighed. "I really am okay. Just earlier everyone was staring and talking about the other night. Some homophobic asshole pushed me in the hall and called names, but Ryan took care of it." I said. " I'm sorry love. Tell Ryan I said thank you for taking care of you." "It's okay. I'm getting more and more used to it, and yeah I'll tell him."

"I miss you a lot. You know, I thought I missed you a lot the last time we were apart, but I miss you more than ever now. Like I said, my house is lonely with just me." I said. "I need you in my arms." I smiled. "I miss you too. I didn't sleep well at all last night. I love being snuggled up to you and you holding me." "I love that too. When I come back, trust me, there will be lots of cuddles for you." He said. "I think I'm more excited for that than I am graduating." We both laughed.

"Hey, get on your laptop real quick." He said. I narrowed my eyes and pulled my laptop from my desk into my lap. "Okay?" I said as I opened it. I realized that I had a video chat call from him. I smiled.

I answered it and saw him sitting in his room with the laptop on the bed in front of him. I smiled again and hung up the phone. "You look handsome as always Mr. Shinoda." I said as I layed on my stomach on my bed and put my computer in front of me.

"So do you Mr. Bennington." He said. "This is the highlight of my day. Seeing you. I can't wait until you live with me and I get to wake up to this every morning." He said as he motioned toward me. I smiled. "Remember what you said. Just a little over a month." I said. He smiled and nodded. "I know."

"I had a meeting today about the new album I'm about to start working on, and I think that this one is going to be fully self produced. I think I'm capable enough to do that finally." He said. I smiled. "Of course you are. You're Michael fucking Shinoda. You can do anything." I said. He laughed and blushed a little. "No, but really babe, I'm proud of you. I know that this new project is going to be amazing." I said. He smiled.

"Thank you love. I'm going on tour as well sometime later this year or early next year in Europe and I hope that you'll want to come with me." He said. "Of course I want to Mike. It'll be fun traveling together. Have you ever been out of the US before?" "Yeah, I've been to Japan a few times, but that's it." He said. I nodded.

"I'm so ready to move out and start my life with you. Like on our own without having to go back and forth between here and California." I said with a little chuckle. He laughed and nodded. "Me too. I don't wanna rush into assuming things or anything, but I think that we'll have a long and amazing relationship together. I've never been this in love before Chester." He said. I nodded and smiled. "Me neither."

We talked for an hour or so later until my mom called me for dinner.

These kind of days went on up until graduation. Everyday, I'd go to school, come home and then talk to Mike for a few hours. The guys at school would fuck with me and Ryan would threaten them. He never had to go through with his threats which I was thankful for. I was just so ready for my graduation day to come. I wanted to be through with school and through with Arizona all together. Of course I'd visit my family every once and a while too.

The month actually went by a lot quicker than I thought it would and my graduation was right around the corner. I knew Mike would be there, but I still didn't know if my dad would be there. It hurt that he hadn't even called to see about us. He had always been a good dad up until he decided to leave. Whatever happened though, I planned to have a good day.

Sorry for the short chapter guys. I would say that I've been busy, but honestly all I've been doing is watching Impractical Jokers and talking about Boris The Sock on my Twitter XD

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