Chapter 42

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Hi I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've just been obsessing over Post Traumatic and A Modern Tragedy Vol. 1 the past few days XD. Which reminds me, what's your favorite song off of Post Traumatic? Do you guys like A Modern Tragedy? My favorites off of PT are I.O.U. and Running From My Shadow and my favorite from grandson's ep is Despicable  <3.

Okay now to my story. The chapters keep getting worse and I'm sorry for that. Idk wtf to write about anymore. I'm also sorry about not updating my other six, or seven fanfics. I don't even know how many I have anymore XD. I started a new story a week or so ago and it's already going horribly haha.

I guess I'll stop rambling on and let you all get to reading the chapter. Tell me what you think about it after, and what I could do to make it better because idfk what to do.

Chester's POV
A couple days after packing up my things, we headed out for California. I put all of my things in Mike's Jeep and rode with him. Ryan and Till drove in Ryan's car together and I let Amir take my car. We all went to Mike's house when we got into LA. Mike told them that they could stay there until they found a place which was nice.

"Oh my God. I feel like I shouldn't even be standing in your yard because your house is so beautiful." Ryan said when he got out of his car. Mike just chuckled. "Get your things and come on in guys. I'll show you where you can sleep." Mike said as he unlocked the door. I got a few of my boxes and went in. Ryan got his suitcase and stood in the doorway.

"Are you coming?" I asked. "Sorry. I was just admiring everything." He said as he stepped in. "Should I take off my shoes?" He asked. I chuckled. "No, Ryan. It's okay." Mike said as he walked through the door with the rest of my things.

"How long have you had this house? It looks so new." Ryan said as we walked upstairs. "About five years or so." Mike said. "Dang. You keep it so nice and clean." "Yeah. I'm kind of a neat freak." Mike said with a little laugh.

We made it upstairs and Mike showed them the rooms. Till and Ryan went in one and Amir went into another. "I hope to God that they don't have sex in my fucking house." Mike whispered to me as we walked down to his room. I just laughed.

I hung up my clothes on the empty side of the closet that had been Anna's. Then I put my CDs on Mike's CD rack in his studio. That was pretty much all I had brought from my house to his. After I was done, I went down stairs with Mike and watched him make us dinner.

"I'm gonna learn how to cook one day and make you a meal." I said as I watched. "Yeah?" He asked as he cooked. "Yeah." "I can't wait." He said as he looked back at me with a smile. I just sat and admired him for a bit longer after that.

"Have you ever considered being a model?" I asked. He threw his head back and laughed loudly. "That's funny. No I haven't." He said. "I'm being serious, Mike. Everything you do is hot. You could be a model." I said. He looked back and gave me a look that said, "Really? No."

He turned fully toward me and leaned up against the counter. "Things that models have that I don't: muscles, jaw lines that could cut a man, eyes that pierce your soul, and, lastly, asses." He said as he counted on his fingers. "Okay, first of all, you have muscles. Don't even lie to me. I've seen those guns you're carrying. Second of all, you have the most beautiful eyes. Thirdly, I know we joke about you not having an ass, but you do have one. You just don't wear jeans that'll show it off." He just chuckled and shook his head as he turned back to the stove.

"You know what? I actually don't want you to be a model. You know why?" I asked. "Why?" "Because everyone would want to fuck my man." He just chuckled again. "Even if I considered modeling anything, nobody would get this except for you." He said as he pointed to his body. I smiled.

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