Chapter 68

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Things were going great in the pregnancy. It was a little rough for Kat of course because she had morning sickness and it was hard for her to get comfortable sometimes, but that was just normal things pregnant women went through sometimes.

Since neither Mike or I had to work, we were always there to make sure Kat was as comfortable as possible and feeling as good as possible. We fixed up one of the guest bedrooms for her and that's where she spent most of her time except for going out for walks and going with us to the store or out to eat when she wanted to. She'd also come out for meals when Mike and I fixed them or when she wanted to join us to watch a movie or something. Other than that, she just liked to say in her new room and watch Netflix or write.

She had appointments every two or three weeks and we went with her of course. We found out her due date was supposed to be around February 15th. That seemed like such a long time to all of us. We just wanted to have our baby in our arms already.

The first time we got to see the sonogram of our baby, we all got a little teary eyed. We couldn't even see much and didn't know what the sex was yet, but we already knew that it would be a beautiful baby

Then finally after a few more months, the day finally came for when we would find out if we were having a boy or a girl.


"I'm so nervous." I said as we were on our way to the doctor's office. I was sweating and couldn't sit still in my seat. "Why, baby?" Mike said with a chuckle. He put his hand on my thigh and gave me a squeeze. "I don't know. I mean, it's not like it matters if it's a boy or a girl. I'm gonna be happy no matter what, but I'm still nervous for some reason. Excited but nervous." I said. He grinned. "I'm so excited to find out what we're having so we can start buying clothes and toys and paint it's room. Also start thinking of names. God, today is gonna be such a good day, love." He said as he looked back over at me. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"What do you think it will be?" He asked. "I think it'll probably be a girl." I said. "I think it'll be a boy." He said.

"What do you think it is Kat? I mean, you're the one that's been carrying it around. You probably have a better feeling of what it is than either of us." I said. She laughed. "I have a feeling it's a girl-" "Hah!" I said as I looked at Mike. "-But I looked up some myths about the type of symptoms you have that point towards the sex and all the symptoms I have point towards having a boy." She said. "Hah." Mike said to me. I just laughed and rolled my eyes.

"What do you guys want to have?" Kat asked. "It doesn't really matter to me. Like I said, I'll be happy either way." I said. "Me too." Mike said.

We finally got into the doctor's office and went to a room where they did ultrasounds in. They got Kat and everything else ready. Mike and I sat by eachother, intertwined our hands and waited patiently for the nurse to tell us what we were having.

"Okay..." The nurse said as she looked carefully at the screen. "It's hard to tell on this little one because of how it's positioned, but I believe you're having a..." She paused for a few seconds and the anticipation was really building. My foot was bouncing on the floor and I just wanted her to tell us already.

"Looks like you're having a girl!" She said after a few more moments. I smiled hugely and looked at Mike.

"We're gonna have a baby girl!" Mike said with the biggest smile I'd ever seen him with. "I'm so happy. I might actually cry." I said as I started to tear up. Everyone in the room laughed. I put my arm around Mike and hugged him. He hugged back and kissed my cheek. We got up and hugged Kat as well.

We got done with the appointment and went back home. We all sat around the table once we got there and couldn't stop smiling.

"So... how do you feel about having a baby girl?" Kat asked us. "I'm super happy. I mean, a boy definitely would be easier for us to raise because we're guys, obviously, but I couldn't be happier about having a girl. I know it'll be more of a challenge, but I'm ready for it." Mike said. I smiled and nodded. "Yeah me too. Plus I think it'll just be nice to have a girl to try balance out the guys in this house." I said with a little laugh. Mike laughed and nodded.

"I'm gonna spoil her so much. Oh my God. I'm ready for her to be here already." Mike said. We all laughed.

"Have you thought of names yet?" Kat asked. "Not really... I think we have a couple that we had thought of, but haven't really talked about it yet." I said.


That night after dinner and our showers, Mike and I got in bed and tried thinking of baby girl names.

"Okay. What names had you been thinking of?" I asked him. "I had been mostly thinking of gender neutral names. Those are the type of names I lean towards the most, you know? Like, Charlie, Jordan, Taylor. Names like that." He said. I nodded. "Charlie's a cute name." I said. He nodded and smiled a little. "I feel like we might have an idea of what to name her, but won't really know until she's born. I just feel like once we see her for the first time our minds will change. What names do you like?" He asked me. "I love Marley, Athena, Iver... I dunno I have a lot that I really like." I said. He nodded. "I don't like the name Marley." He said. "Why not?" I asked. "It sounds like something I would name a pet more than a human. I don't know. I just don't really like it." He said.

"Okay then. Marley is off the list." I said. "What about... Maxine?" I asked. "Honestly Maxine is kinda cute." I sat up and got my notebook out of my nightstand drawer.

"Okay, so what are the names we both like so far? I'll write them down and then we can go through them later on and sort through them." I said. "Sounds good. I think we both liked Charlie and Maxine. Oh, and I also liked Athena." He said. I nodded and wrote them down.

I put the notebook back in the drawer and scooted back down in bed with Mike. I curled up against him and he held me.

"Can you believe that we're gonna be dads soon? That's so crazy to me." I said. "I know. It feels like just yesterday I was bumming a cigarette from you out side of my show. Who knew that in five years, we'd be married and having our first child." He said. I smiled. "I'm so fucking happy, Mike. Like it's unreal how happy I've been lately." I said. He held me closer and kissed the top of my head. "I'm happy too, my love." He said.

"We've gotta paint her room and start stocking up on pink and purple onesies, and dresses. I wanna buy her all the dresses." I said. He chuckled. "What if she ends up completely hating girly things? I think she'll end up being a little tomboy. You wanna buy her dresses, but I'm already ready to buy her cute little jackets, band T-shirts and little Vans and Converse." Mike said. I laughed.

"Of course we have to buy her that stuff too. She'll be our little rocker." We both laughed again.

"And to answer your question, I don't care what she ends up liking. I want to raise her in a household without judgement or anything like that. When she starts dressing herself, if she wants to wear boy clothes, I say we let her. I want her to be able to express herself and be happy. If school gives her hell for that, we'll homeschool her." I said. "Yeah for sure." Mike said. "I'm glad we're on the same page about that. I know your parents were a little more conservative than mine and didn't know if you'd want our kids to be raised that way." I said.

"Yeah... they were more conservative when Jay and I were younger, but now I think they're okay with anything really. I mean, both their sons are married to men. And of course I would want my kids raised without judgement. I just want them to be happy and to be who they want to be."

"I think we're gonna be good dads." I said.

"It'll be hard, but I know we can do it."

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