Chapter 36

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"I really don't wanna take you home." I mumbled into Chester's neck that morning. "I really don't want you to take me home either." He mumbled back. "Tell your mama we had car trouble and couldn't make it." "My mama's a smart woman Mike. She'll never believe that. Plus I've lied so much to her in the past that she can tell by the tone in my voice when I lie." I groaned.

I kissed his neck and his breathing hitched for a second. I loved that it was the little things that made him sigh and gasp. I was about to kiss him again but he stopped me. "We did enough of that last night. We gotta get ready." He said. I sighed. He turned toward me more and kissed my forehead before getting up and getting some clothes.

I rolled onto my side and watched him get clothes out of his bag. He was completely naked from the night before and just looked so beautiful.

"I can feel you staring Mike." He said with a little chuckle. "What? I can't admire my boyfriend's beauty?" I asked. He blushed and slipped on some underwear. "I guess I'm just still not used to it, ya know? No one's ever looked at me the way you do and I just feel so awkward sometimes. I mean, I love the way you look at me, but it's just different." He said. I smiled and nodded. "Well you better get used to it baby. You're gonna be around for a while and I just loooveee looking at you." I said as I got out of bed and put my hands on his hips.

He looked up and smiled. "Fuck I'm gonna miss you." He said. "I'm gonna miss you too love. A little over a month that's all we have to wait to see eachother again. It'll be okay baby." I said. He nodded and wrapped his arms around my neck. I pulled him closer to me. "When we leave, drive as slow as legally possible." He said. I chuckled. "You got it babe. I'll drive 55 the whole way." He laughed, pulled away and got dressed all of the way. I got dressed as well.

Chester got his things together and we went out to my car. The red one of course. I got us some breakfast from some fast food restaurant and then got us a coffee. Well, I got myself a coffee and got Chester a hot chocolate because he's a five year old. "You are literally a child." I said as we waited in the fast food line. "I just don't like coffee." He said. "Oh you will. You just wait." "Pfftt. Doubt it."

We eventually got our food and headed to Arizona. Chester whined the entire time. Not even just about having to go home. He whined about everything.

Ugh it's hot in here. Why doesn't your fucking AC work better. It's a Mercedes

I'm still hungrryyy

Why do you have the crappiest CDs in here?

I need to pee

Ugh I'm gonna miss youuughh

"Stop whining, babe. It's gonna be okay." I said as I reached over and ruffled his short tiny curls. "I'm a teenager. All I do is whine." "I've noticed." I said. He looked over and playfully glared. "Can we at least get out and stretch? You need gas anyway." "Yeah." I said. "I'll even give you money for a snack." I said as I pulled into a 7/11. "Oh wow. I love me a man who spoils me at 7/11, and that's not a joke either. I fucking love 7/11." He said. I laughed. I pulled my wallet out of my back pocket and pulled out a twenty. "Go wild baby." I said as I handed him the money. He smirked and went in to buy snacks as I filled up the car. I paid for the gas with my card, got in and waited for Chester.

He came back with a bag of goodies. "Let's see what you got." I said as I pulled out of the parking lot and back onto the road.

"I got us both a drink. Here you go-" He said as he put mine in my cup holder and his in his. "Then I just got a bunch of random snacks that we can share." "Give me something out of there." I said as I held out my hand. "What do you want? Candy? Granola bar? Chips? Cookies?" "Suprise me." He handed me an Almond Joy and I tossed it back.

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