Chapter 7

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Mike's POV
I went over to Brad's and went in without knocking. He was sitting on the couch watching TV when I walked in.

"Hey Mike." He said as I sat on the couch beside him. "Hey Bradford." I said back with a sigh. "What did you need to talk about?" He asked. I figured I'd just jump right in and not waste any time.

"So I met this kid on tour named Chester." I said. He nodded for me to keep going. "He's so kind and sweet and adorable and I can't seem to get him out of my head. He's been stuck in my head for a month now. I tried talking to Anna about it and she just accused me of being gay and having a crush on him." I said. Brad nodded slowly as he processed what I had said.

"Well... do you have a crush on him?" He asked.

Did I have a crush on him?

That question had been floating around in my head ever since Anna brought it up.

"I don't know..." I said. "I've been so confused about it all." He nodded. "It seems like you might have a crush... Or at least care about him deeply." He said. I nodded. "I'm not gay though." I said. "You're probably bisexual and just now realizing it." He said. I sighed and thought about it for a bit.

"I mean... you do remember that night in your treehouse, don't you?" He asked. I swallowed as the memories from that hot summer night flooded my brain.

Brad and I were probably 16. He came over for a sleep over and we got a bit drunk drinking my parents alcohol that I had stolen. I kissed him and he kissed me back. For about thirty minutes nothing but sloppy making out and curious touching happened. I remembered how I felt that morning after. I wanted more of what Brad and I had done, but he made it clear that he didn't feel the same and thought that it was just the alcohol.

I soon forgot about that after I met Anna a few years later. I hadn't thought about that night since until he just brought it up.

"I think I might be into guys Brad." I said slowly the words feeling so weird coming off my tongue. I never thought I'd be saying that. He nodded. "I knew that night that you felt something more than I did and wanted more. I just couldn't give it to you." He said.

"The more I think of him the more attractive he gets in my head and I have thought other guys were good looking before. At our sleepover, I did feel something. It felt right to me. I'm scared though because Anna's not gonna be happy if I tell her I'm also into guys." "Well if she doesn't love you for who you are then you need to leave her." He said. I nodded.

"I want to marry Anna. I really do, but I need to get this kid out of my head." I said. He nodded. "I need to get over him. I can't let this little crush ruin my relationship with Anna." "Just don't force yourself to marry her or feel a certain way because your afraid of what people will think." He said. I nodded.

"Thanks for the talk Brad. I really appreciate it." I said as I stood up and walked to the door. "Wait. Aren't you gonna stay?" He asked. "I think it's better if I go home, comfort Anna and tell her that I'm kinda into guys." "Kinda?" "Yeah... maybe a little more than kinda." I said with a tiny smirk. He just shook his head and chuckled. "Okay... be careful. If you need anything, call me." "I will. Bye Brad." "Bye Mike."

I'm sorry I know that this chapter sucked XD. I have rewritten it like 10 times at this point and figured that this is as good as it's gonna get lmao.

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