Chapter 48

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Mike's POV
That day after Chester got us a puppy, it was Christmas Eve and we had Christmas at my parents house. Even though we had hung out with my parents several times before he was really nervous. Mostly because this time it would be my parents plus my grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles.

"What if your grandparents don't approve of me?" Chester asked nervously as we drove to my parent's house. "I'm sure they will, but if they don't then who cares? I'll still love you." I said. He nodded.

We made it to my parent's house and saw that most of my family was already there. I got out of the car, walked over and opened Chester's door. He took a deep breath before getting out and taking my hand.

"Hey, it's okay. It's just my family. If they say anything rude to you, I'll handle it. I'm not afraid to put them in their place." I said before we walked up to the door. "My parents and Jason love you, so I'm sure everyone else will too." He nodded.

We got the presents we got for everyone out of the car and went inside.

"Hey boys!" My dad said as he got up from his recliner. "Hey pops." I said as I put the presents down in the floor and gave him a hug. "Hey Mr. Shinoda." Chester said. "I told you you can call me Muto." My dad said with a smile. Chester laughed and gave him a hug.

"Where's mom and Jay?" I asked. "They're all in the kitchen." He said. I nodded and led Chester to the kitchen. My whole family was in there chatting and waiting for my mom and my aunts to finish dinner.

"Hey guys!" I said. "Hey Mike!" They all said when they turned and saw me. "This is my boyfriend Chester." I said as I put my arm around his lower back. They all smiled. "Hi Chester." A few of them said. "Hey." Chester said nervously.

My aunts, uncles, and cousins came up to me to give me hugs and I introduced each of them to Chester. He started to get a bit more comfortable after meeting them. Then came my grandparents which he was the most afraid to meet.

"Hello Michael. How are you?" My grandma said. "I'm good Nana. How are you?" "I'm good. Did you say this was your... boyfriend?" She asked as she pointed to Chester. "Yeah. This is Chester. We've been together for nearly a year now." I said. "Oh well I'm happy for you." She said before walking away.

"Yeah she hates me." Chester said quietly. "No, she doesn't hate you. I just think she's hesitant because back in her day things were different. She'll love you once she gets to know you." I said. He nodded.

My grandpa came over and pretty much had the same reaction as my grandma. They were both kind to Chester, but very hesitant.

When my mom finished cooking, we all made our plates and some sat around the kitchen table and some sat in the living room connected. We sat in the living room on the couch with Jason and his boyfriend Jack.

"Hey Jack. Long time no see." I said to him. "Yeah it has been a long time." He said with a nod. "Does everyone know you two are dating?" I asked. Jason nodded. "Yeah we told everyone earlier. They are all supportive, but Nana and grandpa were a little rude." I nodded. "Yeah, but I think it's just because they're old. Things were different when they were our age." I said. Jason nodded.

Everyone finished eating eventually and we opened gifts. My parents and Jack and Jason bought Chester presents which made him super happy and he couldn't believe that they cared enough for him to buy him gifts.

We stayed for a few more hours and then went back home. "How did you like the rest of my family?" I asked as we walked through the door. "You're family was overall really sweet and cool. I'm pretty sure your grandparents hate Jack and I though." He said. "No they don't. Like I said, things were just different back when they were kids. I just think they're not used to guys dating guys, ya know? Back then, if you were gay, you kept it a secret because it wasn't that accepted. I'm sure hearing that two of their grandsons have boyfriends is a big shock. They'll get used to it eventually." I said. Chester nodded and we headed upstairs.

We took a shower and then put on some pajamas before getting in bed.

The next morning after that was Christmas morning and we were so excited for it. We both felt like a couple of little kids when we got up. "Chester! It's Christmas!" I yelled that morning as I shook him. He stretched at smiled. "Merry Christmas, Mike." He said. "Merry Christmas, Ches." I said back.

"Come on and let's make hot chocolate and open presents!" I said. He chuckled and followed me out if the room. "How old are you again?" He asked. "On the outside I'm 27, but on the inside I'm about 14." I said as I glanced back at him. He giggled and took my hand.

We made hot chocolate and then sat in the floor in front of the tree. "Okay I think it's only fair that my king gets to open the first present." I said to him. He smiled and scooted closer to the tree to pick one out. "Hmm... I'll open this one." He said as he picked one up.

Chester ripped the paper and saw that it was the second STP album signed by none other than Scott Weiland. "Oh my God! You got Scott to sign it!" He said with wide eyes. I nodded. "And he apparently told the guys at the label that he'd love to meet you, so maybe you'll get to meet him at some point." I said. His eyes widened again. "Really?" I smiled and nodded. He gave me a big smile and just about tackled me with a hug. I chuckled. "Thank you." "You're welcome, love."

I opened one of mine and saw that it was a wallet. "I know that your wallet now means a lot to you, so it's okay if you want to take that one back. I just didn't know what to get you and figured at take a chance at it." Chester said. I smiled. "It's beautiful." I said as I ran my fingers over the pattern.

"My wallet does mean a lot to me, but I think it's time to retire it. I've had it since I was a teenager and it's definitely seen better days." I said with a little laugh. "Thank you Chester." He smiled. "You're welcome."

We opened the rest of our gifts and just really had a great morning. Most of the other things we got for eachother was just clothes, but I had one more gift for Chester that I hoped he'd love. I reached behind the tree to get the last present which was a little box.

"This is the last present." I said as I handed it to him. He tore the paper off and opened the box. He pulled out some keys. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked up at me. "The GT keys?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. "Wait what?" He asked. "I'm giving you the GT." I said. His eyes widened. "That's why I've been telling you to drive it lately so that you'd get used to it." "But Mike... that cost you a lot of money, and-" "And? Look, I already have two cars, and I know how much you love ol red, so it's yours now." I said. His eyes started welling with tears. "Oh Mike... Thank you." He said as he scooted over to me. He gave me a big hug and a kiss.

"I think this has been my favorite Christmas yet." I said. "Me too." He said. "Thank you for all of my gifts. I love all of them." "You're welcome. Thank you for mine too."

I got up and sat on the couch. "Come sit on Santa's lap." I said as I patted my legs. He visibly cringed and then laughed before sitting on my lap. "Now what would my Christmas angel like to do for the rest of the day?" I asked. "I wanna eat breakfast and then cuddle all day and watch Christmas movies." He said. "That sounds perfect." I said.

We got up and made cinnamon rolls and more hot chocolate, and then we put in Home Alone before cuddling on the couch and eating. "You remind me of a cinnamon roll." Chester said before taking a bite out of one. I chuckled. "Yeah?" "Yeah. You're soft, warm and so damn sweet." He said. I smiled and kissed his head.

"I can't wait to spend a hundred more Christmases with you." I said. "A hundred? I don't think we'll live that long." He said with a little laugh. "Hey, you never know." We both just laughed. "No, but really. This Christmas was amazing with you and I know that the years to come will all be amazing too." I said. He looked up and kissed my cheek before resting his head on my shoulder again.

I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in a while and I'm sorry this chapter kinda sucks. I just haven't had any motivation to write, or really do anything lately.

Also, we all know that tomorrow is going to be a hard day, so please be kind to one another and take it easy. If any of you need to talk, you can message me on here, IG or Twitter <3.

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