Chapter 45

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This was not the chapter I intended to write at all lmao. It wasn't supposed to be depressing, but that's what it ended up being. Oh well XD

Chester's POV
It was almost Christmas time when Mike finally finished his album. He put together a tour for the first half of the next year as well, and were both excited for that. I was a little terrified about flying, but I knew I'd be okay with Mike by my side.

We had been living together for about seven months then, and dating for about ten. With Christmas coming up, we were also coming up on our one year anniversary which was in February. I wanted to get him something amazing for both, but had no clue what to get.

This was different than buying little trinkets for eachother at random shops. We're talking about our first Christmas together and our one year anniversary here.

"Babe?" I said to him as we were watching TV one day. "Hmm?" He hummed. "What do you want for Christmas? You can't say 'nothing' either." He chuckled a little. "Your love?" He said. I sat up more and looked at him.

"You already have that. Something else. I have to know because Christmas is literally two weeks away, and all I have right now is a few things." I said. "Don't worry about it. You really don't need to get me anything. You are all I need." I smiled. "Please tell me something you have been wanting. There has to be something." He shrugged. "I honestly don't want anything." I sighed.

"Why are you so difficult ughh." "You know you love me." He said as he poked at my side. "I do, but you're being difficult." He just laughed. "I asked you what you wanted a couple weeks ago and you said nothing too, so this is what you get." He said with a laugh. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay I'll tell you what I want." He said. "Okay. What is it?" I asked. "I just want to have an amazing Christmas with you. Honestly. It's never been about the gifts for me. For me, it's about spending time with the ones you love. Don't stress about what to get me, Chester. I know I'll love whatever you get me because it came from you and I love everything about you." He said. I sighed and nodded.

"Okay. Well I'm gonna go shopping and I'll pick up dinner for tonight. I love you." I said. "I love you too." He said. I gave him a kiss and got up from my spot on the couch. I grabbed my keys and was about to go out to my car, but Mike stopped me.

"Here." He said as he tossed me the keys to his red car. I caught them and furrowed my eyebrows. "Be safe and don't wreck my car." He said. I smiled. "You're really gonna let me drive Ol' Red?" I asked. "Yeah. Why not?" He said. "Um because I'm a horrible driver?" I said. "No you're not. I trust you. Call me when you get to whatever store you're going to, so that I know you made it safe. Also, you should take Ryan. I feel better when you go with him to places with out me because I know he'll keep you safe." He said. I sighed.

I know he meant well by that, but I really wished he'd stop treating me like I was five. I know he didn't ever mean to be like that and just wanted me to be safe, but fuck. Just because I was several years younger than him didn't mean I wasn't capable of taking care of myself.

"I'm not a child, Mike. I can go places by myself. If anything happens, I'll handle it." I said. Mike sighed a little. "Look I just don't want anything bad to happen to you." "So you want me to take Ryan for protection? Do you think I'm weak?" I asked. "What? No, no of course I don't. I just-" "You just what?" I asked as I crossed my arms and shifted my weight to one foot.

"I just... You let people walk all over you all the fucking time, and I know damn well you won't stand up for yourself. You are completely capable of standing up for yourself, but you never do. That's why I like when Ryan goes with you, so if anything happens he'll do something about it." Mike said.

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