Chapter 6

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Mike's POV
I couldn't get that kid out of my head. I don't know what it was about him, but after that night he was all I could think about for a while.

Every show for the rest of the tour, I hoped that he would be there. He was so easy to talk, down to earth and so cute.


Well, I mean, he was pretty adorable I'm gonna be honest.

I couldn't wait until the next time I played in Arizona. All I wanted to do was talk to him again, and for longer than a couple minutes this time.

I had never felt like this toward any of my fans. Don't get me wrong, I love all of my fans, but this guy was different and I couldn't figure out why.

After the tour was over I went back to LA to my lovely fiancée, Anna. I was so happy to see her and be back home with her.

She hated when I would go on tour and leave her. I know that it was boring just sitting around the house, just chillin with our dog, while I was traveling all over the country. I couldn't wait until I started making enough money to bring her on tour with me.

I wasn't super big yet. I had gotten featured on a few shows and in a few magazines, but I was still only playing small venues. Which was fine with me I guess. I had stage fright and would probably freak out or pass out if I played in front of more than five thousand people.

Anyway I finally made it back to LA after my tour and Anna met me at the airport. As I was looking for her at the airport, I heard her scream my name. "Mike!" I looked in the direction of her voice and smiled when I saw her running to me.

I held out my arms and she put her arms around my neck and jumped on me. "I missed you so much!" She said, against my neck. "I missed you too." She pulled back a bit and I kissed her.

The kiss felt weird. Usually I'd kiss her and I'd feel all warm and tingly but I didn't that time. I pulled away and put her down.

"What's the matter?" She asked. "Oh nothing. I'm just ready to get home." I said. She nodded, took my hand and led me to her car.

On the way to our house, I told her all about the tour and she told me what she did while I was gone, which pretty much only consisted of reading, writing and taking the dog on walks.

We finally made it back to the house and my dog ran to me and started jumping up my leg. I smiled and picked him up.

"Aw hey buddy, did you miss daddy?" I asked in a childish voice while I gave him hugs and he licked my face.

I put him down and plopped down on the couch. Anna sat facing me, beside me.

There was kind of an awkward silence for a few minutes. Normally neither of us could shut up. We always had something to talk about.

"Did something happen on tour, Mike? You seem really... off." Anna asked as she put her hand on my shoulder. I looked over at her and her eyes were filled with concern and worry.

"No... Not really..." I said, not wanting her to worry. I kept thinking about Chester. I wondered if I should bring it up to her and tell her about him. I decided to do it, but I was afraid she'd take it the wrong way or assume something.

"Well... actually... there was this kid that I met on tour." I said. She drew her eyebrows in a bit and nodded for me to keep going. "His name is Chester, and for some reason I can't get him out of my head. He was so sweet and seemed so... I dunno... broken? I guess I'm quiet because I'm just thinking about him."

The more I talked about him, the more I missed him. Which was so strange. I also kept thinking about how cute he was, but I wasn't gay so I don't know where that was coming from.

"Okay..." She said, not really understanding, and still concerned. "So... what are you gonna do about it? I mean... he's just a fan. You'll probably forget about him soon."

A bit of anger rose it me. This kid was not just a fan. I knew he wasn't. If he had been in my head for the past month, he definitely was going to play a bigger part in my life than just being a fan of mine. I just knew it. I may have not known exactly was his purpose to me was besides being a fan but I was sure I would find out. There had to be a reason he was stuck in my head.

"No, Anna." I said maybe a little too sternly. "This kid's not just a fan. I know he isn't. If he was just a fan, he wouldn't be stuck in my head for almost a month now." Anna moved her hand from my shoulder and swallowed nervously. I could tell she was taken aback by my tone. I never used that tone with her except for a couple times that we had gotten drunk and fought over something stupid.

"Okay. So he's not just a fan. I still don't understand what you're going to do about him being stuck in your head. You just gonna go back to Arizona, find the boy, and say 'Hey so you've been in my head for like a month now. I'm pretty sure you're not just a fan.'? That's so weird." She said. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "No, Anna. I'm not going to do that, but I do want to spend a little time with him and talk to him more." I said.

"Do you have a crush on this kid or something? He's been stuck in your head, he's apparently a sweetheart and you wanna spend time with him?" She asked with jealousy in her tone. I didn't say anything at first.

Did I have a crush on him?

I mean, he was cute and sweet and I wanted nothing more than to spend time and talk to him again.

"Oh my God, Mike. You do, don't you?" She asked as she stood up. "I never thought my fiancé would turn out to be fucking gay." She stormed off and slammed the bedroom door.

"Great. Now my fiancée thinks I'm gay." I mumbled to myself as I walked to the bedroom door and knocked.

"Go away, and go suck your boyfriend's dick!" She yelled. I sighed. "Anna please let me in." I said softly. "No, Mike."

I sat down with my back against the door.

"Anna. I am not gay." I said. The words felt weird rolling off my tonuge. I never thought I'd have to say that to anyone.

"I wouldn't have asked you to marry me if I was gay. I wouldn't have spent 5, almost 6 years dating you if I was gay. You've got to believe me." I said. She sniffled. "I'm just your beard Mike. That's the only reason you've kept me around." She said. "Anna, you are the love of my life. If I was gay, I would've never asked you out. I'd be embracing it. I'd be dating dudes. You're not my fucking beard." "Whatever."

I sighed and got up. I needed someone to talk to and to give me advice. I called my friend that I've had since 8th grade, Brad.

I dialed his number and it rang a few times before he answered. "Hey, Mike." He said when he answered. "Hey Bradford. Can I come over and stay for the night? I need somebody to talk to besides Anna." I said. "Of course." He said immediatly. "Okay I'll be over in a few." "Okay see you then."

I got my keys, got in my car, and headed to Brad's house.

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