Chapter 64

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Mike's POV
"Where do you wanna go for our honeymoon, baby?" I asked Chester after breakfast, the day after our wedding. He smiled and shrugged. "I know people usually go somewhere tropical, but I kinda want to go somewhere like the Netherlands or Iceland or something. I wanna rent a cute little cabin in the mountains and go on hikes and make love by the fire place." He said. I smiled. "That sounds fucking amazing, baby." I said. "You sure? Do you wanna go to somewhere tropical? It's okay if you do." He said. I shrugged.

"We go to the beach so much. It'll be fun to go somewhere nice and cool for once. Just us in the middle of nowhere. That sounds amazing." I said. He smiled. "I wanna be somewhere where there's no internet, no cable, none of that. Just... us." He said. "No cable!?" I groaned. He laughed. "Okay, maybe cable, but I just want it to be about us and I don't want anyone bugging us. You know?" "Yeah. That sounds perfect. I could use a few weeks away from everything with my favorite human." I said. He smiled again and snuggled up to me on the couch.

"I'm so damn in love." He mumbled into my neck. I smiled and put my arms around him. "Me too." "All I wanna do kiss you and hug you and make love and snuggle with you." He said. "Well... I mean, we have a bedroom for a reason." I said. He giggled and looked up at me. "It's only eleven." "And?" I asked. He giggled again.

"Let's go up stairs, pull the curtains, dim the lights, get some wine, get some cigarettes, a lot of blankets, pillows, Frank Sinatra records and let's cuddle the day away." He said. I laughed. "Alright, baby. I'll get the wine, blankets, pillows and records and you can get the rest." I said. "Sounds like a plan."

I went and got some old Frank Sinatra records and put one in the record player in our room. Then I got some wine and wine glasses and sat them on one of the bedside tables. After that, I found just about every blanket and pillow in the house and tossed them on the bed. While I was doing that, Chester had pulled the black out curtains shut, dimmed the lighting, and got his cigarettes.

I pulled off my shirt, got under the covers and got all comfy. Chester poured us a glass of wine and lit himself a cigarette. Then he stripped down naked and got under the covers and snuggled up to me. "Oh, so we're naked cuddling. Hold on." I said as I sat up and slipped off my boxers. He laughed. I layed back on the mountain of pillows and Chester snuggled up to me again. I put my free arm around him and started trailing it down his side, to the curve of his ass and back up again. "You're gonna get me all worked up." Chester mumbled after a while after I had changed the path of my hand to go down his side and to his inner thigh.

"And?" I asked. I could feel him smile against my collarbone he had his head resting against. He got up and straddled my thighs. I smirked, took a sip of my wine and sat it on the nightstand before running my hands up his sides. He smirked back, put out his cigarette and sat his wine on the nightstand as well. He put both of his hands on my chest and leaned over me.

"Why are you so fucking beautiful?" I asked as I looked up at him. He grinned and shrugged. "You can thank my momma and daddy for that I guess." He said. I smiled. I just looked at him for a bit longer before pulling him closer and  kissing him gently and then pulling away and putting my head to his. "I'm the luckiest man on earth." I whispered. "I love you so damn much, Chester. You don't even realize how fucking much."

He pulled away and smiled. "I love you more." He said. I smiled. "Nuh uh!" I said with a laugh. He giggled.

I put an arm around his back and rolled us over to where I was on top of him. "So fucking beautiful." I mumbled into his neck before nipping at the soft skin there. He held me close against him with his hands pressed into my shoulder blades. "Every damn inch." I mumbled as I made my way down.

Chester pressed his hips up against mine and we both groaned. "Fuck." I breathed. We both kept grinding our hips together and making out in until we both came. We just layed in a big sweaty heap with eachother for the next several minutes. Neither of us felt like getting up or doing anything else than lay with eachother.

I don't think I'd ever get tired of how it felt to be with him, not just in bed, but be with him in general. It was a feeling I couldn't get enough of and just wanted more and more. I figured that this is what true love must be.

This chapter was short and kinda boring but hopefully the next few will be better XD

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