Chapter 59

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1 year after Chester's tour:

Mike's POV
My 30th birthday was coming up and I was not ready for it. I didn't want to be out of my twenties already. It seemed like I had just graduated high school and college. It didn't feel like I should be turning 30 already.

When my birthday finally arrived, Chester made me a big breakfast that morning. There were flowers on the table and a card standing up beside it. The entire presentation was cute as fuck.

"Good morning birthday boy!" Chester said when I walked in the room. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you, baby. This is beautiful." I said as I looked at the table. He smiled and put his arms around my neck. "How does it feel to be 30?" He asked. I chuckled. "Honestly not much different than 29, but I still don't like it." I said. He laughed and we sat down to eat.

"What do you wanna do today?" Chester asked after we ate. I shrugged. "I kinda just wanna watch old movies and hold you all day." I said. He smiled and nodded. "That sounds good."

Watching movies, eating some cake, and fooling around a bit later on was all we did for my birthday. I loved it too. I'd take a quiet birthday with my favorite human over a huge party any day.

Chester on the other hand, wanted a party. He was turning 21 and he just couldn't wait to go to an actual bar and drink. So I told Ryan, Amir, Till, Dave, Rob, Brad and Joe to come to this bar on Chester's birthday to celebrate.

Pretty much all we did was get drunk and eat cake which was fun.

Mine and Chester's three year anniversary was approaching that year as well. It was maybe 2 months away. I wanted to take the next step in our relationship and propose, but I was scared. Throughout our entire relationship he had wanted everything to go slowly and I was worried that it was too soon to ask him to marry me. I mean he was only 21. I was 30 though, and I was ready to get married and finally start a family.

That was the downside of being so far apart in age. I was ready to do all of these big things, but Chester was still basically a kid. I decided to ask Ryan what he thought I should do because he was the only other person who was almost as close to him as I was.

While Chester went out to buy dinner and pick up a few things from the store, I called Ryan to come over to talk.

"Hey. What did you need to talk about?" Ryan asked when I opened the door for him when he knocked. "Hey... um... come in and sit and I'll tell you." I said nervously. He narrowed his eyes and nodded. He walked in, sat on the couch, and I shut the door behind him.

"So... I've been thinking." I said. "Is this about Chester?" He asked. I nodded. "Oh God you better not be breaking up with him." Ryan said. "No, no, no. That's not it. I love him more than anything." "Okay... Then what is it?"

"I need your honest advice on something." I said. "Okay." He said with a little nod. "I want to ask Chester to marry me." I said. Ryan's eyes widened and he took a deep breath. "Okay... wow." He said. "And I just... I don't know if it's too soon, ya know? I mean, he's only 21. I love him more than anything, and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I know he loves me too, but I don't know if he's ready for marriage yet." I said. Ryan nodded and thought for a second.

"I know he wants to spend the rest of his life with you and start a family with you. There's no doubt about that. I just don't know if he's ready to get married, ya know? I mean... he's still young, and I don't know." Ryan said. I nodded.

"I think you should go ahead and propose to him. Just to show him that you're really in it for the long run. He's probably not ready to get married right now, but I think you taking that step and showing him just how much you love him will make him extremely happy. Being engaged doesn't mean you have to get married right then." He said. I nodded again.

"He loves you more than anything, Mike. I've never seen him this happy." He said. I smiled. "I think I might ask him later on this year. I kinda just want to take it easy for a bit longer, you know. Plus I don't even have a ring yet." I said. He nodded. "Sounds good. I know he's been a little stressed with everything that's been going on the past year or so, so I think just taking it easy for a bit will be good for him." Ryan said. I nodded.

"Hey thanks for talking with me, and uh... try and keep this just between us okay?" I said. "Oh of course man. I won't tell a soul." He said. "Thanks." "I guess I better get going. I left Till alone with dinner going. I hope that he didn't burn down the house." Ryan said with a little laugh. I laughed too and stood up with him. I gave him a hug, said goodbye and he was on is way.

Not long after, Chester showed up with food and groceries. "If one more person cut me off today, I was going to lose my fucking mind." He said as he put the things on the island and adjusted his glasses. His face was a little red and you could tell he was a bit frustrated. It was cute.

"Aw babe. I'm sorry." I said as I put my hands around his waist. "I'll never get used to LA traffic." He said as he put his arms around my neck. "Well at least you're home. I'm glad you made it safely." I said. "Me too."

I leaned in and kissed him, and then pulled away. "Have I ever told you how fucking good you look in all black?" I asked when I looked at his outfit, which consisted of a black hoodie, black skinny jeans, and black boots. He just laughed. "No you haven't, but thank you." He said. "Let's make some dinner." I said. He nodded.

We cooked some food, and I decided to bring up marriage to him.

"You're so damn beautiful. Makes me wonder why I haven't put a ring on it yet." I said. He laughed. "I've been wondering the same thing." He said. My eyes widend a little. "You wanna get married?" I asked. He looked up at me. "Duh. Eventually. You better not be proposing to me over a plate of spaghetti though." He said. I chuckled and shook my head. "Of course not babe. When I do propose, it'll be when you're least expecting it and it'll be all romantic and cute as hell." I said.

"Soon?" He asked with a little smirk. "When you're least expecting it babe." I said again. He smiled. "But do you think you're ready to get married anytime soon? I don't wanna propose and you not be ready for that yet, you know?" I said. "I'm totally ready. I already know I want to spend the rest of my life with you and have known for a while, so yeah. I'm ready to be your husband." He said with a grin. I smiled and nodded.

"So... soon?" He asked again. I shrugged a little. "Maybe. Maybe not. You'll just have to wait and see." I said. He smiled again and started eating the rest of his food.

Once we were done eating, we washed our dishes while listening to some music Chester put on. A slow song came on and I saw him grin out of the corner of my eye. He put the dish he was washing back down in the sink and took my hand.

"We've gotta get our practice in on slow dancing for our wedding." He said. I laughed and put my hand against his lower back. He rested his head on my shoulder and we swayed back and forth. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too." I said back.

"I can't wait for you to propose. I'm gonna marry you so hard." He said as he looked up with a smile. I laughed and we just stared into eachother's eyes for a bit. I was still amazed at how beautiful he was.

"You're so beautiful it hurts." I said. He blushed and smiled. "You are too. So fuckin handsome." He said. I smiled, then picked him up and put him up on the counter behind him.

He giggled and then leaned down to kiss me. Once the kiss became a little heated, I slipped off his hoodie revealing a white wife beater that was so unnecessary, but made him look even hotter. I ran my hands up the back of it as we kissed and eventually slipped that off as well.

He reached down and grabbed the hem of my shirt before pulling it off of me and tossing it to the side with the other articles of clothing.

"Let's go upstairs. Yeah?" I said as I pulled away from the kiss. He smirked and nodded.

Hi I'm sorry to end it here, but I'm too lazy to write smut rn XD.

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